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Posts posted by -Tomukas-

  1. Dear Joyeux_Lama


    First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.


    You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.


    If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)




  2. Dear i-Force


    First of all thank you for creating a suggestion, but because you do not comply with the suggestion format, I lock this suggestion and move it to the Trash section. Please, if you want to create a suggestion, you must first comply with the format and you should tell the complete details in full detail of your suggestion. You should comply with the suggestion format within 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.


    You can open a suggestion by obeying the format again.


    If you have any question, do not be afraid to PM me :=)




  3. Dear 


    Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.



    Add mod *:
    Generally, we don't add 3rd party mods except for aesthetic ones, this is because map mods bring a whole lot of different issues that we necessarily can't handle. Mods that affect the truck are also generally not accepted since they can have unexpected consequences similar to what we see with save file editing (parts in locations where SCS didn't intend causing crashes, etc.).


    Modifications generally slow down the process of updating the TruckersMP Client to latest SCS Game version after an update. Whenever there is an update to the game, the mod most likely needs work to be done, which can take some time to port over to new version, this is one of the reasons behind not having mods. 


    The major blocker is the distribution of mods, the larger the mod, the harder it is to distribute. P2p would be an "easy" way, though it still requires infrastructure, in distributing the winter mod, we recently had support from 10gbps.io, even then we pinned a 10Gb port for hours on end, imagine that we'd need that kind of beef every time we updated the mod. Even if we'd get the tail to come quicker, the initial seed is necessary. Add to that, you have to provide a backup since many networks disallow p2p traffic.


    We could put the mod behind a paywall, but this is something we rather not, we believe that this mod should be freely available to anyone, with the only requirement being a purchase of either ETS2 or ATS.

    More slots on the server:
    This is something many people complain about, and we hear ya, we want it too, there's an issue we've not yet been able to nail down. We will increase the limit the moment we can. Increasing the slots is not as easy as just changing the number, it requires server power which costs money, to minimise the lag and high ping with higher amounts of players. 

    In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:



  4. Dear i-Force


    If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community. 


    Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.


    Suggestion Format:

    Suggestion Name: 

    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?:


    Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.


    Also you can look at this topic:


    Kind Regards,


    • Upvote 1
  5. Dear gamerboy_nl


    Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.


    In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:



    • Upvote 1
  6. Dear SuperRAPIT


    Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.


    In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:



    • Upvote 1
  7. Dear TurklerRS


    If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community. 


    Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.


    Suggestion Format:

    Suggestion Name: 

    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?:


    Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.


    Also you can look at this topic:


    Kind Regards,


    • Upvote 1
  8. Dear Joyeux_Lama


    If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community. 


    Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.


    Suggestion Format:

    Suggestion Name: 

    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?:


    Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.


    Also you can look at this topic:


    Kind Regards,


    • Upvote 1
  9. Dear @kajun


    If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community. 


    Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.


    Suggestion Format:

    Suggestion Name: 

    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?:


    Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.


    Also you can look at this topic:


    Kind Regards,


    • Upvote 1
  10. Dear @KyleD615


    If you want to make a suggestion about any topic, you need to properly fill in the format that belongs to the suggestion section and then you can share your suggestion with the community. 


    Please fill in the format that I will show you below and give the necessary answers with all the details because let us better understand our attitude towards your suggestion.


    Suggestion Format:

    Suggestion Name: 

    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images: 

    Why should it be added?:


    Please comply with this format in the shortest time otherwise your suggestion will be rejected.


    Also you can look at this topic:


    Kind Regards,


    • Upvote 1
  11. Dear Rafaum


    Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.


    In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:



  12. Sevgili Saspunas


    Lütfen öneri oluşturmadan önceden öneri formatını kullanmayı unutmayınız, öneri formatını bu şekilde tamamlayarak tekrardan düzenleyiniz aksi takdir 3 gün sonra öneriniz reddedilecektir.


    Öneri Adı:

    Önerinin Tanımı:

    Örnek Görsel veya Video:

    Neden Eklenmeli/Değiştirilmeli/Çıkartılmalı?


    Anlayışınız için teşekkür ederiz.

  13. Arkadaşlar bu konuya favori müziklerinizi paylaşabilirsiniz ve bu sayede bizimde sizlerin favori olduğu müzikleri keşfetmemizi ve dinlememizi sağlar :=) 





  14. Selamlar,


    Şirketiniz hakkında oluşturmuş olduğunuz konunuz, bir(1) ayı aşkın süredir inaktif/pasif durumda olduğu için Arşiv'e taşıyorum. Eğer herhangi bir isteğiniz olursa tekrar açılması için, lütfen bana mesaj atmaktan çekinmeyin lütfen :=) Şirketinize başarılar dileriz TruckersMP ailesi olarak :=)


    // Kilitlendi ve Şirketler Arşiv bölümüne taşındı.

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