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People have a go at me for stopping here all the time, fact is guys you have to give way to the ramps! that's what the triangle means
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@Killua // Ireland ^_^ Something tells me they set the signs the wrong way around! I said many times it could be fixed like how they added lights to the ATS Big Slur event.
This sign ( Priority ) which should be on the main road!
This sign ( Give Way ) should be at the end of the off ramps or " slip roads " as we call them
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The intersections like that are prefabs which means SCS only has to click one button in the prefab options in the map editor to automatically throw the signs in place, sometimes with minor adjustment being necessary. That being said, unless this was done before they had that ability to automatically place the signs in the editor, the signs were placed that way intentionally.
Which brings up the question, why. I suppose its really only something someone who worked at SCS could answer, but I very much doubt they're going to remember placing signs opposite the normal on one of many thousands of intersections, years ago.
@P h o e n i x & yet everyone gets super triggered when you obey them, dam it random SCS had one job, one bloody job!!!