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Veteran Driver VII
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About C3NAS

  • Birthday 01/01/1999

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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lyon

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  1. There is a problem with Europe Servers. South America, Asia and United States server are working.
  2. Hi. My name is what? My name is who? My name is C3NAS

    1. HeyI'mAmethyst


      No, it's darth vader...

  3. Hi. My name is WHO? My name is What? My name is C3NAS

  4. I think the problem is only with Europe Servers. The South America and Asia Server are working.
  5. I had the same problem... But now it's offline.. Maybe they will solve some bugs and update the Game Client..
  6. ^ That's not true. The server is just offline, and if you check Status, the players are disconnecting
  7. Same. I think they will update the game client..
  8. To install ets 2 multiplayer again = http://ets2mp.com/- Sign In with steam and just download the latest version. And about your profile, HOW? lol.. Go to My Documents > Euro Truck SImulator 2. And see if you have the profile backup or something.
  9. But i have these settings, the only problem it's on MP, because on SinglePlayer all works fine. :X
  10. So, I have a problem with multiplayer w/ my Driving force GT I use the same settings in the Single Player and on Multiplayer. In SP the wheel rotation works well, but in Multiplayer if I turn 460º to the right, the steering wheel in the game turns all to the right, but turning to the left it does not happend that. Does anyone have the same problem? How to solve?
  11. Nice idea.
  12. HAHAHA , true.. Comecei a jogar logo no primeiro dia que lançaram para o público
  13. Nome: Tiago Idade: 15 País: Portugal Linguas faladas: Português e Inglês Nick na Steam: C3N45 Camião perferido: Scania Desde quando jogo ETS2 MP: 2013 Jogos que jogo(mais vezes): Counter Strike Global Offensive ; Euro Truck Simulator 2
  14. Scania Streamline <3
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