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  1. i can talk to people, but i cant hear people. why ? all ran as an administrator, all volume maxed out
  2. SOLVED. By reinstalling windows Its weird d. If u guys cant access worldoftrucks.com that means you cant connect. After i reinstalled windows i can access worloftrucks.com and i can play now. Thanks for the support
  3. Btw there is no asia server? So,tried reinstall ets2 on steam also with TruckerMP client. Run as administrator, checked update at the launcher,logged in still facing the same problem. Restarted the modem didnt work also
  4. Hello from indonesia Recently i bought ETS2 from steam, but after installed truckersMP it says "cant connect to server" for a million time Once i checked my internet, it runs well Tried reinstall MP and ETS2 didnt work pls help Sorry for bad english
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