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About moosebiscuits54321

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  • Gender
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    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    I like video games, music and sport.
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  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
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  1. 1.32 has just been released on MP so make sure the launcher is up to date and that you're opted out of all betas in ets2 properties.
  2. This should help:
  3. Make sure you have selected the correct steam account.
  4. Yes, thanks.
  5. Most of them weren't but ok.
  6. About an hour ago I replied to about 10 questions, only one of my answers is there and I don't know where the rest of them are as they shouldn't have been denied by moderators because my answers were completely acceptable. I am very annoyed.
  7. Try sleeping or quick travelling to a garage, this resets the freight market.
  8. Usually sleeping or quick travelling to a garage solves that problem
  9. 1.32 should hopefully come out soon!
  10. Hello, I'm pretty sure the DLC will be added soon.
  11. Hello, Make sure when you are using the different versions, 1.32 and previous that you have saves that you only use in that version. Hope this helps, Moose
  12. There isn't a limit on how many things you put on your truck, just what you put on it. On MP as far as I'm aware you can only use the vanilla truck customisations, along with all dlc's and any approved mods. Also you will be kicked if you use truck wheels on the Skoda scout.
  13. It is because 1.32 is not released on MP and to connect to world of trucks you must have the newest, current version of the game which you cant if you are playing on MP so if you want to connect to world of trucks you must be on 1.32 and singleplayer.
  14. Yes, thankyou everyone. I understand I made a mistake and should have made sure I was off the road and I should pay more attention to what I'm doing.
  15. I was playing MP before and my mum called me downstairs so I pressed escape as I thought that would take me out of the game, but I didn't have time to look, when i got back i was holding a few people up and I think i got reported but I did it by accident and not on purpose, will i get banned? And if I do, will they believe me if I appeal with this?
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