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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. Solved!
  2. nop, the administrator thing doesnt help
  3. No its not shared, running on my own steam. It was working fine not long time ago, but then next day suddenly this error appeared. Nothing new was installed or done on my pc.
  4. I've tried everything sofar mentioned here. Nothing has helped
  5. thx for the suggestion but still doesnt work for me
  6. Well thats what ive been doing all the time sofar. Reinstalled it 3 times now.
  7. I did search for it before i posted here and the ones i browsed trough wasnt solved, even though some was marked solved. And your suggestion didnt help. I even restarted my pc and nothing, still the same.
  8. Mod Version: 0.1.2 R2 Controllers Used: Keyboard Description of Issue: I can't start MP anymore. It was working just fine yestrday but today whenever i try to launch the application it just trows me an error "Cannot validate game version. Would you like to try again?" I can launch SP with no prob. I tried clean reinstall as well but doesnt seem to help. How to reproduce: Screenshots / Videos:
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