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  1. Okay i found logs from few minutes before I got kicked, but there was no warning. [13:04:06] p0_f_2 (3555): f7 [13:04:12] BatuGK (2440): bedirhan orrrospu cocugu [13:04:13] p0_f_2 (3555): f7 1828 [13:04:23] [System] Player yarik9082005(1130) has been kicked. [13:04:24] BatuGK (2440): bedirhan orrrospu cocugu [13:04:25] benny.h198 (3835): 3261 rec [13:04:30] bedirhanyuksel061 (713): BATU ET ET [13:04:42] lokey351 (2030): Lojistiği olmayan ve yaşı 18 ve üstü olanlar steamden bi eklesin beni [13:04:43] bedirhanyuksel061 (713): batu stema ısmını ver [13:04:48] BatuGK (2440): ananin ami [13:04:51] tahsinjanz (3467): amaç ?? [13:04:52] BatuGK (2440): orrrospu cocugu [13:04:54] Hazreti Muhii (2219): 3467 report [13:05:02] tahsinjanz (3467): hazreti malı amacın ne [13:05:10] BilogFR (3511): report ? [13:05:10] [HHG] xJPxARMYxDEVOx (3052): Die HHG wünscht eine Gute Fahrt! [13:05:18] Hazreti Muhii (2219): allaha mal dedi oha [13:05:24] [Ronix] Flyent (1142): Набор водителей в активно развивающуюся ВТК "Ronix". Ежедневные конвои, покатушки, грузоперевозки | vk.com/vtcronix [13:05:30] tahsinjanz (3467): yaş 12 aq [13:05:34] Hazreti Muhii (2219): ananın mı [13:05:37] MrLiquideTv (3023): wow [13:05:50] tahsinjanz (3467): şuan kesinleşti 12 [13:05:54] Utku REİS (2732): 1115 napıyon hacı [13:05:54] furkanwhester (644): murat [13:05:57] TRSizofren (1842): efm [13:05:58] furkanwhester (644): burdan yaz [13:05:59] furkanwhester (644): [13:06:02] furkanwhester (644): fazla ısık mı [13:06:05] furkanwhester (644): nerde ısık mk [13:06:07] TRSizofren (1842): Yok ya:D [13:06:07] furkanwhester (644): adgshdagsf [13:06:13] [System] Player Oddo#SOFERU(3325) has been kicked. [13:06:13] You have been kicked from the server. Reason: Away from the keyboard [13:21:11] Connecting to Europe 2 server... [13:21:12] Connection established (position in queue: 6). [13:21:14] Connection established! [13:21:15] [System] Player xNi_TeRayeS_x(2321) has been kicked. [13:21:22] thodean (3206): RETARD SHIT [13:21:50] Nbadwolf (404): slm [13:21:53] 05Akif (3305): as [13:22:04] Varga Dominik HUN (485): fuck 365 [13:22:20] javad_kamrani(Esfahan)volvo (2441): slm [13:22:35]
  2. Where i can check them?
  3. Game: ETS2 Mod Version: Controllers Used: Logitech DFGT Description of Issue: So while i was customizing my truck i got kicked for being AFK. I didn't recieve such a message i am AFK. How to reproduce: I don't know i never had situation like this before. Screenshots / Videos: https://imgur.com/a/rDavjzK
  4. I would like to: Improve: - Braking. - Acceleration (it accelerates so weirdly) - Stability (I've never met car which you flip on a bigger turn) Add: - New Rims - New Exhaust Tips - New Badges like. TSI and TDI - Ability to remove Navigation and add normal radio.
  5. @Chris | Camox Fixed issue, thread can be closed
  6. Video: Photos:
  7. No, the problem is still here. Nothing helped Should i make video of problem?
  8. So I have Logitech DFGT and everything is set up. Except one thing. While i turn, after one and half turn. it turns to maximum in game. It caused me lot of trouble so i would like to fix it. Anyone know why? I can upload video of situation if needed.
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