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Flynn Dawson

Veteran Driver VI
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About Flynn Dawson

  • Birthday 09/20/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chesterfield (United Kingdom) Grootegast (Netherlands)
  • Interests
    Extreme Sports, Traveling, Challange.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Stavanger
  • Known languages
    English, Dutch, German, Spanish.

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About Me

Hello my name is Flynn Dawson, I'm born on 20-09-1998 in Chesterfield, which is an town in the United Kingdom.

When I was about eight years old, my father decided to move to Holland in order to get a well paid job for the family.

Therefore I do live for 50 precent of the entire year in Holland, and for the other 50 precent in the United Kingdom.


In september 2017 I started with a college especially made for peoples who want to become a truck driver.

Thereby I'd also work as trucker for a trucking company in order to pay the college, this might sound a bid weird.

However the Dutch government gives an exception for driving trucks without schooling to peoples in this college.

In case of not doing this college, it would indeed not be allowed to drive a truck without passing the theory for it.


Further I've two brothers which are still on high-school and a "in my opinion" amazing dog. (that loves to eat cyclists)

I've been working for the trucking companies: Smilda, Koopman, Hanos, Wolter Koops and NVO Holland.

And I'd a few times in the year on the following sports: Parkour/Freerunning, Wingsuit and Motorcross.



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