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Veteran Driver VII
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About leezhijiang

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  1. My Current Desktop . Some comment please ?
  2. My updated Desktop Setup Erm.. So how is my setup ??
  3. well although your wallet hurts but at least you are happy with what you have right ?
  4. @cyrusj1992 amazing setup you have
  5. @MrCreeper have a look yourself
  6. Well this is my desk setup. PS:Currently still having my finals. will tidy up once my last paper ends
  7. US is better but the Ping is still high. I would suggest the server hosted in either Australia or New Zeland. Russia or China also can. Right now I am facing difficulties in connecting all the servers
  8. Well I would suggest to use real money instead of in game money.
  9. How about add a mirror ? or change the location of the server to somewhere centralized between asia and europe ?
  10. Suggestion Name : Change the location of one of the servers or set up a new server at different location Suggestion Description: I am thinking of is it possible to change the location of the servers or create a mirror at different locations around the globe to solve the latency issue. Well, I am from Malaysia and I love this multi player game very much but what makes me annoyed is the latency. It is quite high for players who are far from the server. Any example images: To be updated. Why should it be added?: To ensure a more smoother and better gaming experience especially when over taking. Accidents occurs due to latency problems.
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