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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Astarte

  1. Happy new year :D

    1. Mirko9


      Happy new year too :) 

  2. Finally bought myself a G29, time to go back to ETS2 after 6 months :D

  3. I am very awake right now, I think I should stop drinking so much monster XD

  4. Just had an admin load in on the road and total my truck in the staff convoy, great

    1. heyhococo


      One time an admin loaded a quick save on an ETS2 server, and I had to swerve and got 75% damage.. He was kind enough to teleport me to service though- back to Rotterdam. :P

    2. MaffewE


      That's just bad luck aah!

  5. Is the report system broken or something?

    1. Clashin_Jon
    2. El1teZombiezHD


      It is a known bug that it says "Unknown Error" just carry on as normal and submit - press submit a couple of times

    3. Astarte
  6. Why has rotterdam turned into blackpool with these illuminations https://i.gyazo.com/fe69187a698fb715d6631d9cd9a9c728.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FirestarteR93


      In case someone considers to do that too ,because "its cool" : It is forbidden to drive outside of the map boundaries, including spots inaccessible by normal driving

    3. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      What if you got trolled and ended up there? It is technically normal driving :D

    4. FirestarteR93


      ^You take evidence to report the troll (and to prove that this is an accident and that you haven't intentionally broken the rule)

  7. The bike is almost done just need to get a screen and some panniers now then ready for Europe http://imgur.com/a/x1lhG

  8. That feeling when the admins look at your profile O_O

  9. #NewInternetHype

  10. New PC is finally finished....hello 60 fps in convoys

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Astarte


      I have 16GB Ram and a Gigabyte GTX 970 Twin Turbo Overclocked

    3. McFreshi


      ^TruckBro. The 16 Gigs are not even used due to 32-bit. Only 4gb.

      @Speedz. Welp. They don'T help u in any way :P

    4. MrHarv98


      you wont get 60 fps in ets2mp no matter how much power ur pc and gpu has

  11. Got my new psu today..hmm...yeah turns out needed new motherboard and case cause of the terrible parts acer use :( more money spent

    1. jx_23


      Hopefully I dont have this problem :D Will see on 24.

    2. videogamer


      that's why i didn't get a store bought pc

    3. Astarte


      I kinda regret it now wish I had built my own in first place

  12. That moment when you have to use an angle grinder on your pc case to make room for the new GPU and PSU XD

    1. Clashin_Jon
    2. stilldre1976


      Welcome to the world of modding bro

  13. Moving house tommorow :D , but might not have internet till 4th January ;-;

  14. Getting a new GTX 970 Twin Turbo, 60fps in convoys here I come! :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Astarte


      Acer Predator

    3. Boydy


      you still wont get 60 fps, its the servers not your game, you will still take a massive hit with over 30 trucks

    4. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      so wait they are putting turbos on GPUs now? Also you wont be at 60 fps if you hit that 3.5gb vram. You'll be more at like 2

  15. Brilliant Song -

  16. Hmm UK might have snow in 2 weeks that'll be fun on the Derbi

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xhavefunx


      Yup.. it's very early for this time of year. I've red an interesting article about the melting ice on Antartica. The entire continent could collapse in 2100, raising the sea levels extremely around the entire globe. I probably won't make it to 2100, but what about our children? #GlobalWarming

    3. dyvik


      Snow on the mountains in Norway :) Snow in the UK so early is very rare, isnt it?

    4. Astarte


      Most of the time yes

  17. How I felt today in college

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