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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Manu_Bela

  • Birthday March 25

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hannover
  • Known languages
    Português, English

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  1. I won a DLC. My profile is https://truckersmp.com/user/2872760. How can i get it?
  2. Hello! I'm very happy. I won a DLC on Christmas Giveaway and I want to know how I can get it. Thank you, guys!!
  3. Hello!!! I won a DLC on Christims Giveaway. Thank you, guys!

    I want to know how can I get it


    1. NeonLeon


      If you win, we will attempt to contact the Discord account connected to your TruckersMP profile ;) 

    2. Manu_Bela


      Obrigado! Está ativado! 

  4. It's the question that does not want to shut up.
  5. As Tangle said: "The reason all this matters for TruckersMP is because the mod has to know how to use the same API that the game is using in order to show its own HUD and menus and stuff. It has to draw on the image the same way the game is set to draw its image. If DX11 wasn't supported in MP in the next update, then you wouldn't see any of the MP text or menus when you loaded the game in DX11. That's all. Of course, making MP use a new API is just as hard as it was for SCS to make their game engine use a new API. That's the proper explanation". That simple!!!
  6. blá blá blá... I want a solution.
  7. Well! Now prepare for version 1.35. lol
  8. Who wins Spring giveaway???

  9. Yes! Thank you very much!
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