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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About _dekson_

  • Birthday 09/19/2001

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Serbia, Nis
  • Interests
    Trucking, Gym
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    Serbian, English

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  1. For example: KAMAZ trucks (I think it should be great) Suggestion Name: Adding a new truck brand "KAMAZ" (Russian product) Suggestion Description: Well, ETS2 has I think all European trucks, but I think you should add also "KAMAZ" since it is a big Russian product, since you added "Ford" trucks recently, in the future updates, you can try to bring up "KAMAZ" Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/CJ4hTRk (you can add the old ones and the new ones) Why should it be added?: Since there is a "Ford" company in ETS2 (Ford is an American company) you should add "KAMAZ" as a Russian product also, the players would like it! And in the recent years, KAMAZ is trying to make new trucks like the Europeans, so I think this would be a great update!
  2. In config file i dont have this uset g_simple_parking_doubles Do I need to put it by myself or what?
  3. Hey all! When I drive a double trailer (mine) and when I need to park it at the end, I dont have the 3rd option to park (the hardest one). What should I do to have the 3rd option? Also, I dont have regular jobs with double trailers, only a regular trailer, but others have double trailers too from other companies (Stokes, PosPed, ...), what is the solution?
  4. One question guys, it says some "steam cloud", what is that?
  5. Mogu li ja da skinem neki mod sa neta da mi doda neki fps u ets2mp a da me ne banuju?
  6. Hello there people! My ETS2MP is a bit lagging when there are too much players in one place, so I am asking is there some "fps boost mod" that is allowed when you are playing ETS2MP ?
  7. Kako da imam iste poslove kao moj drug pa da zajedno vozimo turu ?
  8. Thanks for the help guys! One more question, when I want to activate all my lights on L, the lights i put aint working, is there any other key that activates it or what ?
  9. Hi there! My question is how much stuff can I add on my truck and drive it on MP?
  10. Thanks for the help guys, I will try to avoid busy areas, thanks again.
  11. The problem is solved guys! Thanks for your help!!
  12. When I want to create a account on "World of Trucks" it says "ALL GAMES OWNED BY YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT ARE ALREADY CONNECTED TO SOME EXISTING WORLD OF TRUCKS ACCOUNT." Now I dont understand nothing, its like my account is hacked or what?
  13. When I log on the website its successful but when I want to log in on world of trucks its not.. When I type my email and password, it says like "try with another password" something like that.
  14. Thanks for your time, but where can I find the TruckersMP settings ?
  15. When I enter multiplayer and when I want to connect my profile with world of trucks it says its inncorect, I checked it but everything is typed correct, any solutions?
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