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Veteran Driver III
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About WonderTomee

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  1. Dear Forum viewers/developers/helpers! I have a terrible issue what i already found in this forum (https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/47345-fps-drop/) but the helps there couldn't let my FPS go back to normal. So my problem: When someone is around me (especially in crowded cities) i have terrible laggs like 8FPS, while outside the cabin i have 18-20. It's still not much but the double of it. Even in Highways i have 45-50FPS when "nearby players" are only 5 or less. If i'm not in my own cabin (so i use outside camera) i have fix 60FPS. Any ideas why is that? My PC: - Intel Core i7 4770k Processor - ASUS Radeon RX 580 8GB GDDR5 videocard - 16GB DDR3 RAM Other games and even this game in single player doesnt have any lagg. I have no idea whats behind it.
  2. Still not working :/
  3. How can i fix the lagging problem? I have a very well PC (config below) but i can't get more than 40FPS fixly. Any ideas what to do? my PC: - AMD MSI Radeon RX 580 (8GB) - i7 4770k - Hyperx Fury DDR4 Ram (16GB) - Windows 10 (64 bit) as my operation system. In single player it works well.
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