Everything posted by Shayrin
Good morning TruckersMP.
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Nice shots!
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have a great weekend
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Good morning TruckersMP.
Have a wonderful day.
Ps: With my beautiful VOLVO
and some of my friends while we were delivering a long-distance cargo (3700 km).
I know cancer as the worst disease in the world.
I've lost my uncle because of cancer 5 years ago. Each time, when I hear or read some news that a person who beat the cancer, I got excited and found my self fly in joy.The following is an event to support KiKa, a Dutch charity that funds research for childhood cancer:
I will support them by being present on the event, and possibly donating to them.
Feel free to show presence at their event. I hope to see you there
Morning truckers.
Wish you have a wonderful week.
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Thank you! Have a nice day you too.
Have a nice day!
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Lovely photo
Have a great week
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New update from TruckersMP.
VTC Gallery, did you like this feature?Read More here:
Also, you can read this article in the Persian language here:
Have a question. What is the VTCWorld? I have no clue about it.
Is it an application like TrucksBook? To establish and manage a company, dispatch cargo among your VTC employees and, etc.
Can you give me some information about it?-
Here is a description of VTC.World http://prntscr.com/p2zwdl
(https://vtc.world/ - Change language to English)-
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thank you guys. good information @QF_Giulia @BL4CK$K1LL
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