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Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by Andreas

  1. Need some support? I gotcha covered :mlg_doge:



  2. Having a nice Sunday drive with @Lorciaa, unveiling the amazing roads at the Black Sea DLC spacer.png




  3. It was great to finally able to help out at a RLC Convoy on a Tuesday (finally) @VeLociTy XTRoLl ❤️




  4. The weekend is quickly approaching!

    Do you have any plans? ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ReacherK


      Bright Futures 2020 ?

    3. General18


      Real life work ? Saturday/Sunday 5:30 -> 13:30.

      Sunday, also the August Official Convoy :D

  5. The BHF Event - July 2020 


    After the success of a 12 hour event and raising more than the anticipated donation for The British Heart Foundation, it has been a true honor to be able to partake as an event staff!

    A huge thanks for everything @Vexus., @TFM_Flaming, @Nathan7471!


    Until next time! ?❤️







    @VeLociTy XTRoLl





    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. .George


      Thanks for your hard work at both events!

  6. Harmony Convoys - PRIDEVEN2020

    It was a true honor to be part of this amazing Event that took place just under 8 hours ago, and to see so many VTC's unite together in solid colors took me, and many others by surprise. 

    I have to give Viva (and Viva Nederland) a huge shout out for having a really high attendance ❤️


    Thank you @davidd. for making the amazing looking (and colourful) trucks and @G4M3P1X3L, @sanamaria & @Savage. for the organization and managing of the convoy (you too @davidd.). 

    It's amazing to work with you, among all other staff in Harmony Convoys.


    Have a great Summer everyone!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davidd.


      Thanks for coming and helping out, Andreas! ❤️

  7. Happy birthday in 346 days ❤️ 

  8. Happy birthday in 347 days❤️

  9. Happy birthday in 348 days ❤️

  10. Happy birthday in 349 days ❤️ 

    1. Velo


      :notlikethis: We need that emoji ??

    2. Andreas
  11. You know what time it is x

    1. Andreas


      Happy birthday in 350 days ❤️ 













      @VeLociTy XTRoLl

    2. Velo
  12. Celebrating the 6th year anniversary of TruckersMP!


    It's a real pleasure to be part of this team ❤️



  13. Happy birthday in 351 days ❤️ 

  14. Happy birthday in 352 days ❤️ 

  15. Happy birthday in 353 days ❤️ 

  16. Happy birthday in 354 days ❤️

    1. Velo


      Almost there ? x

    2. Andreas


      Yes, just 354 days ?

  17. Happy birthday in 355 days ❤️

  18. Happy birthday in 357 days ❤️ 

    1. Velo


      This makes the days feel so quick ?

    2. Andreas


      It's a good thing isn't it? ?

  19. Congratulations iethai ❤️

  20. Happy birthday in 358 days ❤️ 

  21. Happy birthday in 359 days (23 hours and 28 minutes delayed) ❤️ 

  22. Happy birthday in 360 days ❤️ 

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