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About ppabli

  • Birthday 01/21/1999

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Nürnberg
  • Known languages
    Spanish, English and Galician.

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks for the follow: @Shai9Ttok1308!

    1. Shai9Ttok1308


      You are welcome , Bro

  2. Feliz cumpleaños! Por muchos más! 🍰

  3. What do you guys think the results of today's Euro Cup match will be?

    1. ^Dominik^


      Hoping for Spain 

    2. Dispo Z

      Dispo Z

      Spain :3


  4. Obviously, Spain is going to win (and not just because I'm Spanish hahaha).
  5. Feliz cumpleaños hermano! Por muchos más! 💖🥞

    1. El Reja

      El Reja

      Muchas gracias amigo ❤️ 

  6. Good day/night Since the issue you're experiencing is a common problem for many players, the solution can already be found in the forum in a previous topic. Here are some links to topics of interest where you should find the answer to your problem. I hope it helps, in any case do not hesitate to ask again. Best regards.
  7. Good day/night The game has been updated throughout the day, so TruckersMP also needs to update to support this new version. This happened just a few hours ago, so the issue you mentioned should already be resolved. Best regards. Update to TruckersMP and game post:
  8. Good day/night Since the issue you're experiencing is a common problem for many players, the solution can already be found in the forum in a previous topic. Here are some links to topics of interest where you should find the answer to your problem. I hope it helps, in any case do not hesitate to ask again. Best regards.
  9. In response to your question, no, there is no way to shorten messages using abbreviations or commands that the system can autocomplete the message for you. While it is true that the game allows you to type while driving, my personal recommendation is not to do it, or at least minimize its use. Even if you are fast enough to type and drive at the same time, the risk you take is not worth it. If you need to write something or communicate with someone, you can and should do it in a way that is safe for everyone, such as pulling over to the side of the road where you won't cause any inconvenience. I hope this clears up your doubts. Best regards.
  10. The reason for this behavior is that, unlike traditional trucks where the braking system acts immediately when the brake pedal is pressed, in the case of the electric Renault, when braking, it first tries to apply maximum regeneration. This slows down the vehicle while recharging the batteries, and only if this system is not sufficient does the traditional braking system activate. While this is a realistic implementation, driving this new type of truck requires an adaptation process, during which we may notice strange and annoying behavior. On the other hand, I also think that being the first electric truck implemented for the game, the systems are not yet fully refined or adapted. I am convinced that in the near future, the game will offer better systems or configurations to adapt these behaviors to our preferences.
  11. Any TMP plan to celebrate your birthday? In any case enjoy your day! 🥞

    1. -Elvis-


      haha thankyou we have two TMP events this weekend and the following thats where i will probably use as plan 😄 

  12. Good day/night Been kicked for "Nettrailer", just means you have used an unsupported trailer in your case caused by picking transport a cargo with the TruckersMP logo. Only "Master Trucker Patrons" can use it https://truckersmp.com/blog/289. I hope it helps to answer your question. In any case do not hesitate to ask again. Greetings.
  13. ppabli


    Apart from what @Sunstrider says, this truck would make no sense to be included in ETS2. Keep in mind that in Europe, the regulations for trucks, buses, and heavy vehicles in general are not the same as those applicable in the United States. For exactly this reason, European trucks are different from American ones due to limitations in dimensions, weights, axle distances, etc. Therefore, this truck you mention, apart from being a concept that will take a long time, if it ever comes to become real, would never reach the European market, so it would make even less sense to incorporate it into a game.
  14. Thanks for the follow!! @Maupassant

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