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Veteran Driver VII
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About FairladyZ

  • Birthday 06/11/1996

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  • Interests
    Aviation, Gaming, Cars and Music
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
  • Known languages
    French, Dutch, English

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  3. You'll have to wait for SCS to add this.
  4. To be honest i have what you're calling a 'slow PC'. I hit an average of 20-40FPS depends of the zone i'm driving and the amount of player around (Thanks HD4000...). When i see my framerate dropping (because of a convoy for example), i just pull to the side and wait until they're gone. I also avoid any high populated areas. TPing them away won't help tbh. It just makes the problem worse. Usually you get stuck into a loong loading and you're not even sure you actually despawned from the road. (Last time i had to F7+Enter, got stuck for around 4 mins in the middle of the road, and i was hearing people honking at me. Had to ALT+F4 to clear the way) So yeah, teleporting ain't a solution.
  5. https://steamdb.info/app/541260/ He's coming!
  6. Oui c'est autorisé.
  7. Something is in the works for ATS i guess. :P



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. videogamer


      it's possible that they started working on the map rescale before they announced it to the public

    3. FairladyZ


      Totally possible, indeed. Also, it could be a beta for something else, the VNL maybe? :P

       Time will tell. :)

    4. videogamer


      it could also be the adjustable steering wheel update that was mentioned again today

  8. Coming back after 2 days, 28 notifications from Panda.


    Eh. O.o

  9. The only way it could be kinda fixed is creating custom assets for those parts. A look-a-like part that would act like a fallback if you don't have the DLC. Atleast create a fallback just for the rear lights since they are really needed.
  10. - Verify game content on ETS2 (Steam > Right click on ETS2 > Local content > verify integrity of game cache) - Reinstall T:MP and make sure the game directory is correct when it asks you to choose your ETS2/ATS folder - Make sure you have a 64bit OS - Make sure you have admin rights on the computer - Make sure both T:MP and ETS2/ATS are updated to the latest version.
  11. Could you post the game.log.txt?
  12. You might also want to run the Launcher as admin.
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