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Veteran Driver VI
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About ClauClaudiu2000

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    The pleasant feeling to drive.
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  1. that sucks....i need only beyond the baltic sea to play...
  2. Am nevoie de toate DLC-urile + promods ca sa joc pe servere sau doar promods si ce dlc-uri am eu??
  3. i need to have all DLC + ProMods or only ProMods ??
  4. Pana acum nu mi-a facut asa, nu e la PC meu, e la luncher. Tot imi da crash cand il pornesc.
  5. nimic ... jocul tot nu functioneaza T/C plz
  6. nothing ... this game is so broken T/C plz
  7. Acelasi lucru... " stopped working ".
  8. Hello. I've been encountering a problem with my launcher that seems to persist even though I tried to do a lot of things based on other topics. When I try to enter the launcher, it says "TruckersMP Launcher has stopped working" without even launching it or anything. Any solutions? I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. ETS2 works in single player, just the launcher keeps crashing. I tried reinstalling it with admin privileges, running it as admin, veryfing the integrity of the game files and so on. Runned it in compatibility and it still crashes. Any solutions?
  9. Chiar si asa cu toate aceste modificari facute cum ai zis, tot imi da " stopped working ".
  10. Salut. De doua zile am aceasi problema, adica aplicatia TruckersMP imi da crash aka " stopped working ". Orice sfat, orice ajutor e bine venit. Multumesc. https://i.imgur.com/vQ7SFI9.png[/img]
  11. Where you find a caravan?
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