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Veteran Driver II
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About HenrikHemmer

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  1. How can I activate my Account on the truckersmp.com Website?
  2. Please answer to my ban appeal! Im waiting since 3 days...

    1. i z m

      i z m

      Hi @HenrikHemmer Forum is not the right place for talking about your ban or ban appeal. As i said you before, please be patient and don't send public/private message to GMs or open new topic on Forum. Thank you for your understanding. :) 



      Forum Moderator


    2. Forraz


      Locked, answer above. Don't post on Game Moderator's pages to answer your appeals / reports or anything ban related.

  3. I understand it but the GM answer me not since yesterday and I want to play!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RussellakaBigTruckerUk1


      admins always put eu#1 but it dont matter the evidence is there with you breaking rules so tough luck

    3. i z m

      i z m

      You can find your ban appeal from here: https://truckersmp.com/appeals and ask the tgm/gm. ^_^

    4. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      server is not problem. The problem is evidence

  4. Can you please answer to my apeal?!

    1. i z m

      i z m

      Hi @HenrikHemmer If you sent ban appeal, be patient and wait for answer from TGM or GM. Please don't send personal message or public message to them. Also, do not open topics about your ban. 

      Thank you for your understanding. ^_^ Best regards.



      Forum Moderator



  5. Kann man die DLC's wie Bella Italia online spielen?


    1. GGF MD
    2. RapidFellow


      Im Prinzip sind alle DLCs zu 100% kompatibel, mit Ausnahme des Special Transport DLCs, welches nur in Teilen unterstützt wird (Truckaccessories funktionieren, Traileraccessories hingegen nicht).

    3. HenrikHemmer
  6. Nichts ich bin ausversehen in ihn reingefahren, da ich ein neues Lenkrad habe!
  7. Hallo, ich bin heute gefahren und habe die Kontrolle von meinem Auto verloren (Neues Lenkrad). Jetzt will er mich reporten... Was kann ich machen? Ich habe mich sofort entschuldigt! Aber er meinte sofort report!
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