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Veteran Driver IV
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About Frostyvegi

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  1. When I was playing before the 0.1.3 R2 update I was experiencing lots of crashes but only in the Europort/Rotterdam area. It seemed it had a direct relation to the number of other players in the area. At one point everyone in Euorport crashed out of the game, however I think this is due to someone loading up in the area with a mod that would cause everyone else to crash.
  2. Firstly, welcome to the joys of participating in an alpha. Also the joys of multiplayer game/mod development ALWAYS finds things that work properly in a testing enviroment with 20 people, breaks when you have 200 people.
  3. Because they are doing some fixes on the server, it is currently down.
  4. Lights were working perfectly for me. Everyone obeying them even.. fantastic to see.

    1. S2020


      They do work in some cities, in some lights they are stuck, I think devs fixing it now...

  5. Solution is to start a new profile and take loan out within the MP server, or pay off loan then play on the MP server.
  6. Read this post - http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/26-reset-economy-for-jobs/ Effectively, until you get your own truck, keep the config file with the 1 in the uset g_force_economy_reset entry. When you have your own truck, change it back to 0.
  7. As above, if you play in the same game mode (and server) that the loan was taken out on, it might start working properly again. In relation to the above comment about the server, I started a job on the US server, then jumped onto the EU one and once I finished the job in quick time it was long time late.
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