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Veteran Driver
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About Tanker751

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vatican City State (Holy See)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Verona
  • Known languages
    English, Italian

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    To Agne S.r.l.

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  1. solved!!! many tnx!
  2. hello, when i try to start ATS it shows me this message... for record i don't have any issue with ETS MP https://gyazo.com/c49c14629a71537eee39118677b3a001
  3. solved, thank!
  4. Sry for the wrong section
  5. Ohh so is just as simple as that?? Tnx guys!!
  6. Hello everyone, I saw online on TruckersMP some ppl that were able to use a Skoda car (Superb or Scout) and I'm wondering how to drive sometime with one of them as well... Any tips? Like if it is a mod where to download it? To be clear I'm referring only on normal car, not police or pilot ones (I'm assuming them are only for admins, right?) Tnx!
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