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Veteran Driver VII
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About memb3r

  • Birthday 08/12/1995

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  • EU Garage Location
    Austria: Wien

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  1. memb3r

    No work available

    Without your own truck? :\
  2. memb3r

    No work available

    Same problem here. When i started new game (3 times because of this bug) 2/3 times i had no offers in quick jobs. So there is no opportunity to continue your career in the beginning. Any ideas how to fix it?
  3. Yeah... And then they will apear in colision zone when they leave noncolsion zone... So you can glitch with them or crash. Not good ldea, mate.
  4. Try to turn off HDR in video settings
  5. Whats the point of non colision zone there? You will still have low fps. Cross the ports in singleplayer if you have low fps because of the traffic.
  6. You are talking about "View New Content" button. Im talking about "Recent Topics" window in the right side of the main forum page: Or may be i missed something and these two things are synchronized...
  7. Спасибо за инфу! Надо будет попробывать. Нельзя так просто взять и подождать.
  8. Suggestion Name: Hiden language discussions in recent topics Suggestion Description: I think it will be better to hide language discussions topics from recent topics window. Why should it be added?: Sometimes it rearly annoying when you enter new topic (sometimes with english title) and then... POLSKA!!! or other language that you dont know (Nothing personal to Poland, just an example). You cant even understand in which language this topic is until you get there. I think it will be more correct to leave in recent topics only international (ENG) forums such as bans, suggestions etc. Language discussions should be local parl of the community not the global one. Recent Topics window should be used to show topics that available for the everybudy in this community. People can use "folow this forum" button to get notifications from the special language forum if needed.
  9. Then there will be some "smart" guys, who will try to make you to hit them just to troll or steal your money. I think its better to make no damage in "PvP" crash or something like this.
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