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Veteran Driver
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About Ian411

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • Known languages
    English & Spanish

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  1. Oh ok, thats cool. Thanks a lot, this is great. I owe you one. Thanks
  2. It worked! This is great, you have no idea how much I've wanted to play this. I have 2 questions........Well more ones more like a clarification, I launched, then joined no problem except for some mods I left active which sent me on a which hunt on how to fix it. Pretty sure I did it right, so then I joined in and it said Ghost Mode blinking at the top of my screen, could I get a clarification on what that means?
  3. Thanks, I'm trying it out now. Fingers Crossed, I'm not the luckiest when it comes to electronics... For the future, How would I opt out of it? Do I click "NONE-Opt out of all betas" or something else.....
  4. Hi. So, being now I want to say sorry, this is probably in the wrong place and I might be asking a question that has been asked a thousand times already. But I can't seem to find a good, legitimate, answer to my question. Quick background, I got a new computer for Christmas, instantly transferred, steam and ATS (sadly, I lost all my stuff [But hey, New Year, Why not start fresh?]) Then after watching multiple videos on how to download TruckersMP. I did I right.............I think.................. So I made a desktop shortcut so i could just launch and play. Heres where the question comes into play....... I launched TruckersMP, celebrated with joy as this is the farthest I've ever gotten on trying to download this. (Its a long story full of failure.). Then I clicked Launch ATS and it gave me..... I've Clicked Yes and waited but nothing happened, so I clicked No and that got me nowhere. Sooooo, What can I do/What needs to be done/Is it my end or your end/please help
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