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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About CT-0399

  • Birthday 12/03/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Gaming, Youtube, Good Food and Sports.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    Romanian, English

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2487 profile views

CT-0399's Achievements

  • One Year On
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  1. Is this just me or does anyone's else computer freezes as soon as I load a preset for a road? I am making standalone maps using the 1.38 game version.
  2. How can I be part of the testing team? ?
  3. Will this event require any map dlc?
  4. Yes, I got the answer I was looking for with the answer given above!
  5. What do the green and yellow dots from the punishment history stand for?
  6. Thank you for the tutorial, even late 2019 it's still usefull!
  7. The event will for sure be great but it would be greater if it was on ETS than ATS :))
  8. Cool profile, I'd like to know if anyone would like an updated version of this profile. I could do that
  9. The new Event Server System is making it so easy to make great Convoys. Thank you for the information Wheezy.
  10. The Cup merch is my favorite! <3
  11. Thank you very much, Prime. This will help a lot!
  12. The new VTC area was one of the best addition in the last months. Thank you for doing your part
  13. Succes cu firma, suna promitator!
  14. I just completed the survey and all I hope is that it is not just some formal paper and questions like the in-game question of how the /fix command should work And also as how Lucy said :
  15. Sounds good to me and it should be implemented.
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