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Veteran Driver VI
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About Rubberduck9861

  • Birthday 05/31/1992

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  • Location
    Westminster, CA
  • Interests
    Bowling, wrenching on cars
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
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  1. problem fixed, but not due to updating outdated programs like next7 said. i temp disabled winter mod, and then when TMP was updated, game was fixed. Topic can be locked and moved.
  2. Tried playing TMP tonight, and game kept crashing. Loads and plays fine in SP. Only thing that changed was TMP was updated. tried uninstalling and reinstalling TMP, no luck. Graphics up-to-date. Here is my crash log... https://pastebin.com/zkKAJPzs
  3. Forums are back up and running!
  4. We are aware our forums are not working at the moment. They are going to be fixed tomorrow (12-08-19). Thanks.
  5. ah, ok, thanks. other than that, game runs good ?
  6. Whenever i take Freight Market job with triple trailers(in a state that allows them of course) in ATS, i get kicked for too many trailers. Why is this happening? For example i took, empty pallets from Eugene, OR to Bend OR. and still got kicked.
  7. nope, problem fixed. thank you. can be moved to solved
  8. when i try to boot up TMP, i get this error. I've already uninstalled and re-installed TMP. Any thoughts? Cannot find required file: ("C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP/data/ats/mods/PinkConvoy.mp") ! Reinstall the multiplayer mod.
  9. yes, it was answered. Thanks guys
  10. Is fuel cheaper at owned garages or no? Also, are the prices the same state to state? Simple question, lol. I think I read somewhere fuel prices vary state to state, but can't confirm.
  11. ok, thats what i thought. I just wanted to double check since I think there is a lot of confusion about this at the moment...
  12. So..I've got a question with regards to this "update". Can we still run red traffic lights if its safe to do so? Obviously, if other players are in the area, you can't run them. I know the rules state we can, but with the whole more "simulation" thing, i just want to double check. Plus, I've heard of players getting getting punished for driving threw red lights, and also for stopping at red lights. And for the record, i play only on ATS-US server, which is a simulation server. Source: §2 - Game only rules Rules marked with an Asterisk (*) do not apply on Arcade servers with 'Arc' or 'Arcade' in their title. Traffic laws and road signage must be obeyed. This means European road laws and signage must be followed in ETS2 and American road laws and signage must be followed in ATS. Failure to adhere to the respective road laws and signage could result in a punishment. Traffic lights and stop signs can be ignored if no other users are in the immediate area. Also, overtaking can be done if no other users were put in any risk. Speeding, while allowed, is not recommended. Speeding can lead to accidents and therefore factor in a punishment decision.
  13. saw myself at 12:06
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