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Veteran Driver VII
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About XxXhmβoyHuNXxX

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  1. helo dear
    I'm so sorry I was on the side road.
    no more will happen!
    I beg you to release the 2-day ban!
    I never go over the side road !!

    1. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      @XxXhm?oyHuNXxX, Using the forums to ask to be unbanned isn't allowed. Use https://truckersmp.com/appeals and make an appeal there.

    2. RequieB



  2. lol you are big :troll: dude 

  3. helo dear admin
    please immediately dissolve the three-day ban just because it was the fact that after the Calais side of the road froze me to the game and he stood at the bar at the face, so I'm really sorry so I apologize

    Please dissolve in the three day ban for frozen during gameplay :(

    Please solve the three-day ban has been frozen because of my ☹ :(

    1. Forraz


      11th spam. Locked

  4. helo dear admin
    please immediately dissolve the three-day ban just because it was the fact that after the Calais side of the road froze me to the game and he stood at the bar at the face, so I'm really sorry so I apologize

    Please dissolve in the three day ban for frozen during gameplay :(

    Please solve the three-day ban has been frozen because of my ☹ :(

    1. Forraz


      10th spam. locked

  5. helo dear admin
    please immediately dissolve the three-day ban just because it was the fact that after the Calais side of the road froze me to the game and he stood at the bar at the face, so I'm really sorry so I apologize

    Please dissolve in the three day ban for frozen during gameplay :(

    Please solve the three-day ban has been frozen because of my ☹ :(

    1. Forraz


      Locked for multiple spamming.

  6. helo dear admin
    please immediately dissolve the three-day ban just because it was the fact that after the Calais side of the road froze me to the game and he stood at the bar at the face, so I'm really sorry so I apologize

    Please dissolve in the three day ban for frozen during gameplay :(

    Please solve the three-day ban has been frozen because of my ☹ :(

    1. Forraz


      This isn't even supposed to be on my page? Stop spamming. Locked

  7. helo dear admin

    helo dear admin
    please immediately dissolve the three-day ban just because it was the fact that after the Calais side of the road froze me to the game and he stood at the bar at the face, so I'm really sorry so I apologize

    Please dissolve in the three day ban for frozen during gameplay :(

    Please solve the three-day ban has been frozen because of my ☹ :(

    1. Forraz


      Your appeal will be looked at soon enough. Have patience as the Admins use their own free time to do this.

    2. Forraz
  8. please pick up a friend and help me


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XxXhmβoyHuNXxX


      but I beg you to buy a nice friend for your help and ask you if you would like to add more and help me

    3. XxXhmβoyHuNXxX
    4. Forraz
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