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Veteran Driver VII
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About Malden86

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    London, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Photography, Drumming, Fishkeeping
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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Metz
  • Known languages
    Portuguese, English, Spanish, French.

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  1. Hi! I have noticed that with server 2, the issue is less noticeable but still not good enough. Maybe because there are less players in this server. But also, the issue happens when there are no other players near me. Could it be an issue not related to graphics but with internet connection or something along those lines? My ping usually is quite low. Any thoughts on this ? Thanks
  2. No, the issue persists. Really do not understand what is causing the stutters and I have tried lots of suggestions from previous posts with similar issues.
  3. Hi I have a problem with stuttering and FPS drops which makes TruckersMP unplayable, as if the game is having "hiccups" every 5s or so. This issue only happens with TruckersMP. I do not think it is a graphics or PC issue, as I play Ultra on single player with mods and without problems. I know my PC is absolutely able to render the graphics. In terms of internet, it is decent and I get usually a ping of 10 - 15. I have being playing TMP without problems for a long time, but this issue now is getting in the way. It is not related to high populated areas, as it happens even if I am isolated. It is not graphics, as single player works flawlessly, and I have tried disabling all option within TMP related to graphics. All drivers are up to date (also new PC). I have re installed everything, created new profile just for TruckersMP, but still the issue persists. I am not sure what could be the problem, but it is not fixed by the usual solutions graphics related, as there is no impact. Hope someone can shed some light on this issue, as TMP is unplayable for me at the moment. Many thanks!
  4. Problem is resolved I think. It was my PC causing that. After a clean instalation all is well.
  5. Good morning Sometimes when I press TAB to access the ingame TMP menu, the FPS drop drastically and the game seems to freeze. It does not happen all the time, but it is happening frequently. Its not related to anything else I can think of (ping, other players nearby, internet connection, etc...). Anyone has this issue? Is it known to TMP? anything to solve this? Many thanks
  6. Ok. Will have to wait for it to be fixed. thanks
  7. Hi! Since the last TruckersMP update, whenever a player appears on the list/map my game freezes for a second or so. Not sure why this happening, as before even entering high populated areas it would not freeze. But now just 1 player showing on the list/map and it freezes for 1 or 2 seconds. Hope someone can help! Thanks!
  8. TruckersMP team asking to acknowledge the rules (almost on a weekly basis), but at the same time allowing the nonsense that happens between Calais and Duisburg...

    1. Malden86


      I do not understand what you wrote in there...What is the purpose of that meaningless long text?



  9. Thank you @Faern and @Kid Fabi, you are correct. It is indeed an issue from World of Trucks itself. However, there was no changelog displayed anywhere there I could find. [please close this topic]
  10. I have looked for information regarding this issue and can not find any. Also, it does not make any sense that SCS would make this change. If you need to teleport for repairs by pressing F7, you should still be able to continue your contract. Where did you get that information?
  11. Hi Yesterday I noticed that when I am with a trailer and doing an World of Trucks contract, if I press F7 to be taken to the garage, the trailer then disappears as well as the contract that I was doing, and only the truck is teleported to the garage. This did not happen on previous occasions. Any thoughts on this issue? Thanks
  12. Yesterday I was forced to press F7 and ended up at Duisburg. Tried to get out of there so many times, but with that chaos was impossible. And when I thought I managed to escape that non sense, there was always someone that would tip me over, and I had to return again. I do not understand who wants to play this game like that. I really don't...:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malden86


      It would be pleasant and sociable if there was order! Not that toxic environment! :lol:

    3. IpilkAlaus


      To be honest, I do find some comfort in that mess. Until my game crashes:lol:

    4. FernandoCR [ESP]

      FernandoCR [ESP]

      Next time, I suggest you exit, enter SP or another server, get out of the mess, park safely and then, go back to EU#2. In the end, you'll save time and your nerves will be grateful.

  13. Well done. 120km/h would be better...
  14. Come on, make it simple guys! Do not create more useless "ranks" and "teams"...
  15. With every argument: We need to hear both sides before judging. 

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