I've got some solutions for your question and maybe you shoud try them:
1) Please check if there is an update for the driver of the wheel avaible for you. If that is not avaible for you, please try to reinstall the driver.
2) Please read this article: https://blog.scssoft.com/2021/10/force-feedback-faq.html (its about new force feedback changes)
I took something from here to let you know about news of Force Feedback update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/227300/view/3029226631978611053
3) Within the 1.42 update, the force feedback was updated. I personally much rather the new force feedback, as it's much more realistic. But it does take a while to get used to.
I'd strongly recommend you checkout the following blog article by SCS Software regarding the force feedback changes: https://blog.scssoft.com/2021/10/force-feedback-faq.html
This article explains all the force feedback settings, so you can configure it to your liking. It also explains how you can your old force feedback back, if you preferred the old force feedback.
4) Try changing the setting: Engine resonance.
Set it so that the slider is on the left.
5) Make sure you have selected your G29 as a wheel, and got the FFB enabled. Have you made sure the FFB sliders are up in game? Also make sure you have the plug plugged in (I’ve done that a couple times).
I’d recommend leaving the settings in G HUB the way they are (from my experience). There seems to be a lot of bugs for G29/G920. I had a problem in ETS2 after changing settings in G HUB, and the only way I found how to fix it was reinstalling G HUB. If you need Logitech G Hub, then you can download it right here: https://support.logi.com/hc/en-in/articles/360025298133 also make sure to get ride of the Gaming Software because GHub Replaces the Software.
6) Maybe this guide here will be helpful for you.
Shouldnt or should that helped you out, please let us know.
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