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Veteran Driver IV
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About Zippy405

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  1. Ok, thanks. I thought so but couldn't remember.
  2. Is trailer & company pack supported too or just middle east? Can't remember, sorry.
  3. Do you know, I see you can swap engines and transmissions from another truck, but can you edit the standard SCS rear differential ratios for the base game transmissions? Is that allowed or could we look forward to seeing it be allowed in the near future? Picture shows what I'm referring to. Thank you in advance. Edit: It appears SCS has these differential ratios already in the files but it's like only one can be chosen at a time for each transmission.
  4. Will there be a temporary patch for MP until a decision is made and implemented into the MP? There is the convoy on the 17th and I cannot remove the update(thanks Windows 10 lol) so i am currently unable to play MP.
  5. Does anyone know, has the snow ever effected driving physics? I hope so lol but either way is a nice touch. Imagine heavy hauls on C-D with reduced traction XD
  6. probably not, it doesnt snow often in the desert lol. if they did the only believable place is northern California currently lol it would be rather odd driving thru AZ, NV, or NM in snow lol
  7. Suggestion Name: Calais-Duisburg Road Fix(traffic problems) Suggestion Description: For the traffic problems on Calais-Duisburg Road, widening the road to 4 lanes(maybe by converting shoulders to lanes), and where possible adding turn lanes for left turns(if conversion to 4 lanes doesnt fix). Also the Calais-Duisburg Road exit on the A1 exit lanes widened. Where Calais-Duisburg Road ends north of Duisburg the eastbound left lane used for left turns and right lane leads to the already existing right turn lane(maybe need to edit and/or extend right turn lane some). For westbound, the road going south into Duisburg, southbound traffic right turn lane turns west to start right lanes westbound(may need to edit and/or lengthen right turn lane), and northbound traffic uses the existing left turn lane to turn left into the left hand westbound lane. Also if possible lengthening northbound left turn lane for Calais-Duisburg Road as traffic backs up there very much. Finally, if needed adding a functioning and synced stoplight at that intersection would help if stopping on red there was enforced firmly. This I'm sure would take a while but would drastically help. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: Should drastically help the severe traffic problem on said road.
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