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Good Fast & Ugly (PL)

Veteran Driver VI
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About Good Fast & Ugly (PL)

  • Birthday 06/08/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki / Birmingham UK
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Warszawa
  • Known languages
    Polish , English , Russian

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  1. Mr Wolf , your answer is 10/10 , im gona use that mod then , but im afraid I have to sell my all 23 trucks and buy them again ....plus upgrade .... it will cost me milions od euros
  2. GUYS thx for help , i didnt fix that yet but i just wanna say I DONT USE ANY MODS , I just edited text file in my autosave , i put 750hp engine into 23 trucks and only three ( daf 105 and New Actross ) make some collisions with that , as i said : on daf 105 i found mask from volvo on my daf and ''750'' sign on my New Actross cabin after i used ANY SERVICE STATION I dont need aditional lights , horns , pink strobe lights , Man cabin on Actross and other childish stuff on my truck as Im not 15 yrs old anymore ( 42 soon ) I dont like Scania as every noob now drives scania so i want use i.e Renault for Heavy Cargo , but with 400HP thats ...madness , so I need only engine and i edited ONLY engines Thx for help anyway , i will check these videos Happy Trucking
  3. Hi I put volvo 750HP engine to all my trucks but only with DAF105 and Mercedes New ACtross I found little bug/problem If i want change anything in service , even one light , colour /paint of my truck - Im geting Engine front cover from volvo FH16 on my DAF105 and volvo engine signs on the sides of cabin of my Merdes New Actross This happens only with these two trucks in game , Every other truck works properly , i can put engine from volvo and enjoy the game , making changes in service , buy /sell addons ,without problems What im doing wrong ? Ist that problem existing because front mask DAF is changeable ? But New DAF 106 works charmly . No idea Important : I WANT ONLY VOLVO ENGINE in my trucks , nothing else , no need make christmas tree from my truck
  4. PO WRZUCIE silnikow vovlodo wszystkich ciezarowek niestetty na DAF105 i Mercedes New Actross pokazuja sie oznaczenia lub nawet oslona silnika (DAF) od tegoz volvo , i bardzo zle to wyglada Wrzucilem silnik volvodo 22 ciezarowek a tylko z daf105 i Actrosemto nie wychodzi
  5. nie ,nie chce , nie o to mi chodzilo MAM DAF105 , wrzucam silnik od volvo bo tylko silnik chce , nie jestem fahansiarzem ktory przyczepiasobie rurki od scanii do renault I gdy pozniej chce np przemalowac swojego dafa to automatycznie pokazuje mi sie na nim oslona silnika od volvo fh16 a na moim mercedesie nowym actross napisy /oznaczenia od volvo , I to sie dzieje tylko w tych dwoch truckach Pozostalymi moge smigac bez problemow z silnikami od volvo KAZDYM OPROCZ DAF105 I MERCEDES NEW ACTROSS
  6. Witam jak w temacie chcialem zapytc jak mam edytowac save i czy jest sens wrzucania silnikow volvo do innych truckow jesli pozniejpo jakiejkolwiek zmianie , np lakieru , orurowania , swiatel itd , wyskakuje mi atrapa od volvo FH16 np w DAFie , a na moim nowym actrossie mam napis ''750 '' z boku i maly napis ''FH16 '' z przodu Tak jak mowie , bezposrednio po edycjijest ok , ale pozniej wychodzi szydlo z worka Czy np wrzucenie silnika od FH12 byloby lepszym pomyslem ? tam nie ma te srebrnej zmieniajacej sie atrapy jak w FH16
  7. Yes , I understood that part , thats what im saying , I dont think Polish paint pack is very popular between Turkish or German people ) , now iunderstand why someone asked me few days ago about my ''strange '' wheels , ''did you painted them yourself ?'' That was Raven pack...... disaster mate :(. Few hundred hours in MP drivin so proudly my fully upgraded and customized 17 trucks (43 all together) and now find so stupid I was Thx for help guys . Im going have some vodka for my stress
  8. hmmm im very upset now , because this mean if i was driving with my favourite Polish paint pack , only Poles could see my paint , for other players I was just a truck in orange paintjob... So...this mean if im using mettalic paint , flip paint , Michelin or even raven stuff ,no one can see it if he didnt bought dlc . No heavy cargo dlc , cannot see new blinking lights No National flag dlc , cannot see flags ? What about trailers then ? Ifsomeone has no France dlc cannot see French trailers ? Sweet Jesus I cant believe i was so stupid spending money for things I dont need . Could buy two new games for that price ...
  9. Hi everybody I just bought American paint design dlc and put nice Indian Chief on my cabin but my friend told me if my cabin is orange ! These paints dont work in MP or im doing something wrong ? Is this visible for other players? I i have Polish and UK paint design and im pretty sure Polish paints are visible So which paints work whoch not ?I dont want spend money for nothing
  10. PRZEPRASZAM WIEC , popelnilem blad zmylony jego tagiem , pozdrawiam Agromex
  11. Witam , kilka dni temu widzialem wasz konwoj w okolicach Gdanska , spodobala mi sie ta akcja , zostalem nawet zaproszony do zlozenia podania do waszej firmy jednakze w dniu dzisiejszym spotkalem jednego z waszych kierowcow PROZEBRA , ktory wydurnial sie na micro wraz z kolega z innej firmy , gdy zwrocilem mu uwage zostalem zwyzywany od polaczkow , chujow itd itp , na czacie napisal mi ze woli jezdzic z Niemcami bo polaczki (male p ) ciagle maja problemy W dodatku jego kolega zaczal krzyczec ;; GO TO AUSCHWITZ , '' wiec mowiac szczerze nie mam zamiaru skladac podania bo chociaz rozumiem iz w kazdym koszyku znajdzie sie zgnile jablko to nie chcialbym grac z idotami Pozdrawiam reszte firmy i ogarnietych truckerow Krzysiek
  12. Hi , i know people were asking for that 1000 times and I know MP is not suporting but I would like ask fo something different : Do these new beacons and strobe lights are visible for other players or not ? I ve made one of my trucks as special hevy working horse , put new beacons , two small beacons and few little flashing lights on my bullbar but my friend told me '' yee something is flashing but im not sure ' What doesnt mean? Are they same visible like old beacons or not ? I didnt seen anybody driving with that so im little bit lost . I understood people dont want anything flashing if they dont haul heavy transport but 3500 people on server and no one has it ???
  13. I just found half solution ( thx to flybel !) I was playing ATS in SP mode ntil I get tired , then i launch MP and found im tired so I could sleep and have all the job choice , but fatigue timer doesnt work in MP , Im gonna be tired again after 14 hours again ...., so this mean before playing MP I have to play SP everytime . Not very good solution but better than nothing . launch game in SP ,go to the toilet , then launch MP and have fun . My toilet will be full...
  14. Not bad idea , except that if imgonna loose 10 max upgraded trucks plus more than 20 garages plus all the unclocked roads ..... in both games so 700 hours must go to the bin..... (((
  15. No, is not solved yet , im playing singleplayer now as been adviced by someone and will let you know as soon as I can . I cant leave all my duties in real life and play game just like that . Why i was asking let you know is my problem solved ? Would you like fix that MP mod or im just taking space on the forum ? Sorry , im little bit confused... bt trust me Iwill let you know This is not easy fix , as I said NOTHING WORKS ( sleeping , rsting , quick travel , swaping garages , trucks) , nothing except reset economy but this works only for one game session Or I can pickup jobs straight from the companies , this works too Before all these options were very helpful but not anymore And Ctr+f7 doesnt work for me at all , im geting road advisor ON , and thats it For examplein ATS i have two profiles : 1) shows 4962 days , playing time 66 hours 2) shows 4578 days , playing time 23 hours this is 89 playing hours , but steamsays : 169hours ! Soim completely lost and trying play Singleplayer using my Multiplayer profile Im uploading some of my Euro truck Simulator 2 game files , like two configs , game log and save if anybody has time to check that . Tha problem is in my both games my game info.rar
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