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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. I got involved right at the start and honestly, the event was boring. For a start, there was no admin presence at Aberdeen to block off key roads and actually tell us to go at the correct time. Secondly, after the VTC I'm a part off accidentally left Aberdeen too early (because of the above point), we got told by 'Penguin' to 'stop blocking' the main road that leads south out of the city. I don't know what Penguin thinks blocking is but being pulled over in the left hand lane, the right-hand lane being completely open, is most definitely NOT blocking. Third, I then got a kick back to Aberdeen, WHILE I WAS DRIVING, because I was 'blocking' a second time. This was AFTER being told to move the first time, so we moved further down the route and stopped again so that we didn't go too far down the Real Ops route before time. Finally. Nothing happened for the first hour. Seriously. Driving from Aberdeen to Newcastle, I came across NOTHING until I saw a single crashed truck on the opposing carriageway and then the frankly stupid 'one-way' setup right outside of Newcastle. I got through but then I passed a HUGE queue trying to leave Newcastle which probably didn't clear for another hour. Honestly, in my opinion, the event was bad and the moderation was questionable. More work and more prep is needed for the next one.
  2. Mods used for these pictures: Promods 2.25 Rusmap 1.8.0 BDF Tandem Pack Viva Trucking Skin Packs
  3. Does anyone have a side-by-side of the old XF Euro 6 and the facelifted version? I can't work out what the differences could be.
  4. Pretty much as the title says. With the recent blog from SCS, they said we'd be getting double trailers. For ETS2, that means a full length trailer + a shorter drawbar trailer while ATS is getting dual 24's. In the past, the admins attempted to make Double full length trailers work in ETS2 for an update to the physics broke that, so I was wondering if we're going to see a return of that experiment and maybe even see it in ATS
  5. Thanks for the warning about this! Next time, send out broadcasts before disconnecting everyone.
  6. If it was all, the thread would be deleted as it is a discussion about the limiter.
  7. -1 Put simply, trying to restrict the free speech of those who oppose something ends up becoming dictatorish when it comes to be put in action. I understand your meaning however, what you're effectively saying is this, 'I don't like people saying X so they should get banned.' There's absolutely no difference between someone trying to open up a discussion about the speed limiter and opening up a discussion about rammers in general. You have 2 parties, for and against. These 2 parties are going to continue to butt heads until everyone goes home with a flat head. It's never going to stop. So once again, -1. Oh, and for those saying 'Go to EU#2'. Maybe I don't want to be a ghost.
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