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Veteran Driver
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About iKaLash

  • Birthday 06/10/1998

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
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  • Known languages
    Spanish; English

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  1. Suggestion name: Same as the title. Suggestion description: So, as we all know, playing while servers are "full" can be such a great pleasure because of the amount of players, but what happens when you go into the city, it's full of trucks and cars drivers going fast and crossing with red lights or even driving in the wrong side of the road, so, a good solution may be increasing Red Light Crossing Fines and the other ones, but instead of that, it can be easier to add a new feature where the player will be able to choose whatever he wants to enable Ghost Mode (same as Non Collisions zones but this time, with the truck) or not, this way we can evade those trolls crashing into every truck they find and those car drivers that like to drive at 100Km/H inside the city and those players that think it's funny to block you while you're trying to pass them in the highway because you're going faster, and of course, those players that have lag, of course they not guilty of having bad internet in their houses or countries, such as BR people, but they still hit you when you're driving behind them, or when you're passing them, their truck blocks you. Pros of adding this feature: Mainly avoid trolls, bad intentioned players, and crashing because of lagging players. Cons of adding this feature: Of course realism will be affected, but you can disable the Ghost Mode option whenever you want to, you won't be forced to use it if you don't want to.
  2. Hello and welcome to the ETS 2 MP community; To solve your problem you must press F9, then you'll be able to see the chat by pressing Y, also, to see other online players near you and get access to some settings, press TAB one time and Right Click in order to make the pointer appear, to make it dissappear it's just the same. Hope this helps you. Regards.
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