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El Chileno

Veteran Driver V
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About El Chileno

  • Birthday October 24

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Duisburg
  • Known languages
    Spanish (native), English (intermediate)

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  1. well that sucks, no more questions thx for your time
  2. i wish i could use a custom gps voice in multiplayer

  3. is there a way to use your personal gps vocie pack in multiplayer? or is at least in the plans to add this feature?
  4. check that the files are .scs i donwloaded them from the site and they were .zip
  5. Its the event on ATS mp compatible?

    1. [WT] AlexXX

      [WT] AlexXX

      currently not

    2. El Chileno

      El Chileno

      im struggling to find jobs for the event, in which city should i look?

    3. [WT] AlexXX

      [WT] AlexXX

      The landslide is on the CA-1 and the nearest city is Santa Cruz. From there you can take cargoes from the landslide.

      also the company is called "Mud Creek Slide"

  6. Are the items from the event supported on MP?

    1. th3Imgurian


      I believe that you'll be able to attach the pennants and the viking warrior to your truck. 

      But it might be possible that, until it's fully supported, you're the only who's able to see these items.

      Best thing would be to hop into the MP an check it out for yourself. 

    2. ViniKamp1


      Not yet, I confirmed with a friend who also has the items

    3. El Chileno

      El Chileno

      Ok thx i havent completed the event yet, but im pretty close ive done 8/10

  7. so the mod just updated to me, but now i cant log in for invalid client

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      you can find some mods have version is 1.30

    2. El Chileno

      El Chileno

      i mean the mpmod

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      maybe TMP is fixing some problem now, try do it again in a few mins :) 

  8. well glad you sorted the mess, i didnt know what happened, but changes sometimes are for the best
  9. They would come and read the comments and if there's enough support they might think to add it
  10. I would prefer to see a timer for when you're about to be kicked (at least 30secs) on screen than a larger time frame, the login screen would be a nice feature for not having to do all the steps to get online again, but its very unlikely to be brought to us.
  11. There' s no need to remove restrictions on other servers, the server is full use other simply as that. The one thing they could do is add more slot to eu2 but that's not an easy task i remember whe eu2 had only 2500 slots, in that time you could be more than 30min waiting in an imaginary queue where you didnt even knew when was your turn or number in the queue -1
  12. +1 for this if they remove the cooldown if not, whats the point in taking money? in the meantime i'll stick to autosaves
  13. +1 could be an interesting addition
  14. The limited queue was made to not saturate the servers with load traffic. Learn to be patient offgame and ingame -1
  15. I assume they would add the downvote emoji but not the reputation thingy, admins would get all the hate they could get +1 for the emoji
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