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Veteran Driver V
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About pilkaqqqq

  • Birthday 10/14/1997

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  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English and Polish

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  1. dworcu15, Spróbuj popytać się na stronie logitecha bo jak to tutaj widzę to na tej stronie stoi to od paru dni. Pogadaj z Logitechem: https://www.logitech.com/en-us/contact albo nie wiem co. Pozdrawiam i Wesołego nowego roku pilkaqqqq
  2. Ok Thanks to all of you. I will just wait wait and wait few months to get 75 posts (Because that is the only one requirement that is left for me!) and I will try again in future Thank You all and Wish that today will be amazing to all of you and Players
  3. Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! Exactly one month ago (on 23rd of November) I've applied to Support Team. I've applied to Translator Team on 13th of December and I have answer to it! ( Negative ) So I would like to remind you of my application. Pleas give me an answer to that topic. Thank You for your time pilkaqqqq Have a Merry Christmas!
  4. Hej, Chętnie bym pomógł ale mam kierownice SPEEDLINK ale mogę dać parę porad: -Podłącz kierownice do komputera przed jego uruchomieniem -Upewnij się że profiler jest dokładnie zainstalowany (jak cały czas nie działa to zainstaluj ponownie) -na twoim komputerze wejdź w "Settings" następnie w "Devices" i spróbój znaleźć twoją kierownicę (jak nie znajdziesz to zanaczy że masz problem z podłączeniem jej) -a jak cały czas nie dzała to pytaj się dalej na TRUCKERSMP forum i Logitechem Myślem że pomogło a jak nie to Będę na bierząco w tym temacie Pozdrawiam pilkaqqqq
  5. Hey guys, Thanks for all answers it's working! Now I can play! Thanks to all of You! ¦ ¦
  6. Hello, I have problem with the game because when I want to enter the game I've got error! And I want to ask You. If I will uninstall TRUCKERS MP modification and install it again, will I be able to play on same account, with same trucks and everything? Please tell me because I love to play that game Multiplayer but I can't! Thanks for answers and Your Time, pilkaqqqq Picture of the error is below:
  7. thx now I know that I can get banned for this so I will just wait 1 year thx for all answers
  8. Hello, I really want to join your team but, I've got problem. I've been banned for Car + Trailer but, I was new and I didn't know that you can take trailer to your car and I was surprised that actually you can take it so, I drove a bit but it was boring so I've cancelled that job shortly. Now I know that it is not allowed but earlier, I didn't know that.And what to do now about joining your wonderful Team? I will never do Car + Trailer again but, can You do something about this? I will be happy of Anything You say but I just want to know what to do in this situation. I'll be checking your recruitments everyday because as I said - I really want to join so, that's it. Have a nice week pilkaqqqq My Ban: https://imgur.com/a/1Y4s1
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