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Veteran Driver VI
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About teddie38

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Sheffield

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  1. I like this idea but i think we need more vehicle's then the scout car +1
  2. I think it should be added for everyone and not patrons I should be trialed for a week that just my opinion
  3. no body knows the only one that going to know is the ones that helped with all of this
  4. ok thanks
  5. how will we know when tmp release there new launcher for it to work with promods
  6. euro truck
  7. teddie38


    hi i cant downgrade from the 1.30 .2.2 but the mp is on on ets2 and you help please
  8. it better then 11fps on my laptop
  9. hi it a desktop will the AMD fx 4300 be fine on ets2 mp on high
  10. hi is a AMD fx4300+gtx1050ti 8gb ram is that good for ets2 at 60fps
  11. teddie38


    lukavsky it on the up to date drivers. it a 64 bit. if i was going to buy a new pc for 300-500 pound where will be best.
  12. teddie38


    hi does any one know if i put my laptop on win7 will it run better becuse it on win10 it a intel i5-2520m intel hd 3000 grapcies and 4gb ram . will it be a good to go to win7 i get 5-10 fps
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