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Veteran Driver VII
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About DuratorqTDCI

  • Birthday April 23

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  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Venice
  • Known languages
    Italian and English

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  1. my game sees the ETS2 Folder in C:/Documets that is located in the SSD. I want to move this folder on the HDD, how can I do?
  2. I will talk with my friend. Thanks for your help!
  3. hello, a friend of mine has resetted his pc. he didn't have problems with the game before the reset but now the game starts and immediately crashes. this is his crash log: https://pastebin.com/TscLjxMA his pc: nvidia geforce gt 240m ram 4gb intel core 2 duo T6600 edit: sorry if I didn't posted it in "help". my bad.
  4. hello! can u guys tell me how can I increase or decrease traffic using the console? more, is there a way in order to increase or decrease the ai cars spawning? thanks
  5. Thanks!
  6. Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod Version: Controllers Used: Keyboard + mouse Description of Issue: the players indicators on the gps vibrate like crazy! How to reproduce: just driving and watching at the dashboard GPS. Screenshots / Videos:
  7. Yeah me too. Vedo inoltre che sei italiano, buon viaggio!
  8. Servers are off
  9. Let's wait, despite we're on 12nd of December...
  10. I'm lagging but with fine ping, am I the only one?

  11. Good idea but I think that troll too will use this mod... -1 Also, there is one yet, but I don't know if is is safe to use... look at my question here:
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