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Veteran Driver II
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  1. When I logged into the server, this popup appeared, then I logged into the game successfully. And I couldn't close it in any way. I think it's simple UI bug. Patch: ETS2: That's why I had to go 320km like this: (Don't worry, I didn't crash. (; )
  2. Thanks, I just wondered.
  3. Hello, First of all, thank you for creating this game mode..! Question for the Mod Developers: (Couple of questions ) Q1 : What language is the server written in? Q2 : How many GameServers are running on the servers ? How do you control all server modules ? (Master server ?) What if the master server is closed? Q3 : If you want to make an update to GameServer application, how do you distribute updates to all modules at the same time ? Q4 : How to design your server ditrubuted-architecture-pattern ? Q4 : How many lines of code does the server work with? (Libraries are not counted! :)) Is it Async or Sync ? Q5 : How many player can handle a single GameServer ? Thank You ! Best regards...
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