Community Answers
Leon Baker's post in [SOLVED] Just got banned for no reason was marked as the answer
Hello there, @mentalista666,
I am happy to hear that your problem has been solved.
Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating a topic or a support ticket.
Have a nice day!
Leon Baker
Support Team
// Locked & Moved to Solved
Leon Baker's post in Fatal Error Crashes with TMP and ProMods when navigating in the map was marked as the answer
Hello there @JTDevil,
If you would like to suggest the support of the above-mentioned mods, you can do so at
Ensure you follow the suggestions format mentioned within the topic creation page. Failure to follow the format will lead to your suggestion being rejected without consideration.
Hope this answers your question.
Kind regards,
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in не загружается полностью обновление was marked as the answer
Здравствуйте, @ChikaBamboni/ @Tamag0tchi,
Для решения данной проблемы рекомендую следовать данному видео -
С уважением,
Команда Поддержки
Leon Baker's post in Выкидывает с игры каждые 5 минут was marked as the answer
Скорее всего причина краша игры в плагине Trucky. Попробуйте удалить данное приложение и плагин в целом, после удаления еще раз проверьте целостность файлов игры и сообщите если это решит проблему.
С уважением,
Команда Поддержки
Leon Baker's post in Nothing happens after clicking the "Play" button. was marked as the answer
Hello there, @tszhong0411,
In majority of the cases, such problem occurs when there is something blocking the multiplayer from starting.
For example, antivirus or another application, such as MSI Afterburner or OneDrive. Ensure you close all of such applications, start the launcher as Administrator and see if the issue persists.
Kind regards,
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in A JavaScript error occurred in the main process was marked as the answer
Dear @tszhong0411,
The problem should be solved now. Uninstall the existing launcher, download a new installation file from the website and install it.
Kind regards,
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Проблема с лаунчером was marked as the answer
Здравствуйте, @Андрюха @,
Добро пожаловать на форум TruckersMP!
Вам нужно обновить игру до последней версии, чтобы сделать это следуйте инструкции на скриншоте -
После этого дождитесь загрузки новой версии, наблюдать за процессом загрузки можно нажав сюда -
После того как обновление загрузится, можете заходить в мультиплеер.
С уважением,
Команда Поддержки
Leon Baker's post in "The avatar upload must be an image" error problem was marked as the answer
Hello there, @Save,
I have downloaded and tested that specific picture. It indeed does not want to upload as an avatar, but I tried sending this picture on Discord, downloading it and trying again, it worked.
I am not entirely sure what is wrong with that specific picture, but feel free to do what I did or download this one -
Hope that solves your problem.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Game going back to the desktop automatically was marked as the answer
Hello there, @II Lama II!
Does this happen only in Multiplayer or in Singleplayer too? Also, have you checked if this happens in other games too?
I had a similar issue in the past and it was connected to the operation system, so only a clean re-installation of Windows helped me. If you don't find a solution here that helps that might be your last option to try.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Installation hás failed was marked as the answer
If you have a version 1.22x, you should select "None" in BETA versions and ensure you have the latest game version. Otherwise, you won't be able to play via our launcher.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Game crash and goes blue screen was marked as the answer
Hello @Arnufianz,
I have reviewed the logs you have provided and first of all, I would like to advise you to verify the integrity of your game files.
Go to Steam Library Right click Euro Truck Simulator 2 Properties Local Files Verify Integrity of Game Files Wait until the game files are verified and see if the issue persists.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Unexplained Discord Ban was marked as the answer
Hello there, @BriswallGaming!
TruckersMP forum is not the right place to look for the answers related to the punishments. If you would like to get explanation on why you have been punished on our official Discord server, the right place to ask is the feedback system - The category you should choose is the Community Moderation Management.
Is there anything else I can assist you with? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Fatal error ETS 2 was marked as the answer
Hello there, @Ryan AIR!
I have reviewed the logs you have provided and first of all, I would like to advise you to verify the integrity of your game files.
Go to Steam Library Right click Euro Truck Simulator 2 Properties Local Files Verify Integrity of Game Files Wait until the game files are verified and see if the issue persists.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in როგორ შევცვალო სახელი ფორუმზე? was marked as the answer
გაგიმარჯოს @xtry14,
კეთილი იყოს შენი მობრძანება ქართულ განყოფილებაში!
შენი სახელი ფორუმზე ზუსტად ისეთია, როგორიც TruckersMP-ის ექაუნტზე გაქვს მითითებული. თუ შენ შეცვალე შენი სახელი TruckersMP-ის საიტზე და ფორუმზე არ განახლდა, მაშინ გადი ფორუმზე შენი ექაუნტიდან და ახლიდან დალოგინდი. შეიძლება სახელი ეგრევე არ განახლდეს, მაქსიმუმ რამდენიმე დღე უნდა დასჭირდეს როგორც წესი. თუ მაინც არ განახლდა მაშინ ან ფორუმს აქვს რაღაც ხარვეზები, ან ფორუმის მხარდაჭერას უნდა დაუკავშირდე.
Leon Baker's post in Ошибка при запуске "Failed to create remote thread to load DLL" ETS2 и ATS was marked as the answer
Здравствуйте, @REAWOR,
Добро пожаловать на форум TruckersMP!
На данный момент нам все ещё не известно точное решение данной проблемы, однако есть догадки что это связано с защитой системы. К сожалению, добавление пути лаунчера в белый список антивируса не всегда срабатывает так как надо, потому что при скачивании файла с сайта антивирус уже может создать проблемы с файлом, или же к примеру при установке самого лаунчера. Рекомендую удалить лаунчер с системы, далее отключить защиту операционной системы, а так же сам антивирус. Возможно даже надо будет удалить антивирус, так как отключение не всегда отключает его и он все же работает в фоновом режиме процессом. После можете попробовать установить лаунчер и убедитесь что при скачивании и установки нет предупреждении от операционной системы что файл лаунчера вредоносен. Если есть предупреждение значит скорее всего вы что-то не отключили в защитнике Windows.
Надеюсь это поможет вам решить проблему.
С уважением,
Команда Поддержки
Leon Baker's post in Search for a player with a changed name was marked as the answer
Hello there, @ПіцічкаПитко!
You can try to look for that player by going to "Documents/ETS2MP/logs" and checking the "log_spawning" file with the date and time when you logged to the server. There, press CTRL+F and paste their username into the bar that pops up. If nothing shows up it is most likely you did not type their username properly. Additionally, I recommend you turn on ID Display from TAB settings, if I remember correctly, it is within "Interface" section. That way, you won't have to search for players by their usernames or type /pinfo in chat.
Hope that helps.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Winter mode? was marked as the answer
That is an incorrect path if you want the Winter Mod to work in Multiplayer. As the article linked above states, you should put the mods into "Documents/ETS2MP/mod" folder.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in TMP profile link on the forums is gone, why? was marked as the answer
Hello there, @Granite!
As I have been informed, these changes are not intentional and will be fixed soon. Hope that answers your question.
Leon Baker
Support Team
Leon Baker's post in Ets2 wird nicht bei Truckersmp erkannt was marked as the answer
// Moved to German help section
Leon Baker's post in Is there any perma-ban after 5th or at any consecutive was marked as the answer
Hello @Mesh Collider ?
First of all, welcome to the forum!
As of 4th May 2022, permanent bans due to history will no longer be issued. This means that rule §2.8 - How bans are issued has been updated, and is now written as follows:
If you accumulate 5 or more bans in a 12-month period, all bans starting at your fifth ban will be set to ninety days automatically. This means that your sixth, seventh, etc. ban in a 12-month period will also be set to ninety days.
For more information refer to this article:
Leon Baker's post in Tab menu was marked as the answer
Hey @XeoNN,
I have faced such an issue several times in the past and there are two solutions which I am personally aware of.
The first solution is quite simple but a bit tricky. You have to hover your mouse over the top or bottom of TAB and try to resize it. It might be a bit hard to perform such action due to TAB being opened across the whole screen from the top to the bottom but should be possible if you click on the edges. If that does not help, the next solution is deleting your TruckersMP config which is located at Documents\ETS2MP.
I hope the solutions mentioned above will help you to solve the issue you are running through.
Game Moderator Leader
Leon Baker's post in Проблемка с мультиком was marked as the answer
Здравствуйте @StCoFFe,
TruckersMP не поддерживает бета версии, последняя поддерживаемая версия как указано в сообщении ошибки
Если вы хотите играть на серверах TruckersMP, то должны откатить версию игры обратно на 1.40 выбрав "None - opt out of beta" в бета версиях.
Надеюсь я смог помочь вам решить проблему.
С уважением,
Leon Baker's post in Profile Pictures Bugged? was marked as the answer
Greetings @Inklink,
Thanks for creating a topic in the Help section.
I checked the screenshots provided by you and I can confirm that you are not the only one who experiences such kind of issue with the avatars and from what I noticed, that mostly happens when the Steam is offline or has some issues with the servers. I' m not sure if this is TruckersMP bug but the fact that we are using Steam profile avatars in-game might be the verification for what I said about Steam server issues.
If you believe that this is a TMP bug, then I kindly recommend you to reach TruckersMP Support team and report the bug with the detailed information about the bug/issue.
Leon Baker's post in Speed limit problem was marked as the answer
Hello @Mirtex,
Thank you for your time to create a topic in the Help section.
The reason why you have the speed limit with a trailer is that you are probably taking a job from External Contracts, which in other words, are World of Truck deliveries and they are limited to 90km/h speed.
If you want to deliver cargoes a bit faster, then you can take a job from the Freight Market, which won't give you any limits. Also, WoTr jobs won't let you to use saves or service via F7 button, so that means that if you flip, you lose your cargo.
Hope this helps you
Leon Baker's post in Connection Error was marked as the answer
Greetings @KSO_92023,
First of all, thank you for your time to create a topic in the Help section.
In order to fix that problem, I recommend you to follow this easy instruction:
> Goto C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP
> Delete both core_ets2mp.dll files
> Start Truckersmp launcher as administrator and click on install the files.
Game Moderator