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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. @Fast-rider I created a new profile & tried to complete the job but I'm still getting the same error even when tabbing out to access the menu.
  2. Hi @Donald__Duck I've updated all the drivers, verified my ETS2 game files & checked for Windows updates (of which there were none). I tried to see what mods I have but when I click on it I get this error. These are the only mods I could find I tried to complete the job I had but I'm still getting the same kernelbase.dll error I was forgetting I had to remove the mod in single player. Done that but still getting the game crash when I try to finish a delivery.
  3. Installed the game recently to a new (refurb) PC. Been getting this error completing jobs. Here is my most recent crash log. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd like to get back into playing again especially with friends. Thank you in advance. https://pastebin.com/y8juSb9L
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