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Leandro Santiago

Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Leandro Santiago

  • Birthday 07/04/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brazil, Minas Gerais.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Mannheim
  • Known languages
    Portuguese and English.

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  1. Happy birthday bro so that you can have a perfect day on this beautiful day.?

  2. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. How was your day?

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Good evening and have a  nice day :) 

  3. Congratulations for another year of life! :D

    1. Nody


      Thank you <3

  4. These latest updates have really been great for the community, but I'm missing the physics of the trucks. Is it the custom of the previous versions, or are the trucks really that way and overturn with ease?

  5. Primordial organization, organization above all else. Congratulations to the developers!
  6. What would that be? Could someone explain, please?

    Well, I have a fx 6300 processor with a gtx 550ti, squeeze at 60 fps with maximum configuration (not ultra) in places that are not full, an intel core i3 7100 up or a 5th generation core i5, or amd fx 6300 or better yet an nvidia gtx 950 video card can rotate without suffering.


  8. Does anyone know tell me a good setup to get play on ultra resolution? My current setup is not very good.

    1. Alyar27 [EC]

      Alyar27 [EC]

      if you have Nvidia graphics card download Geforce Experience https://www.geforce.com/geforce-experience/download, After installing choose to update driver and optimize game, with that you improve the quality.

  9. Good afternoon, drivers!

  10. My resolution is not so good, my computer is in a precarious situation. Postponing this, let's get down to business: what did you guys think of my truck? Show me yours, let's entertain!





  11. I saw your post on the topic of suggestions, I liked the idea. Since the caravan was introduced for the cars (which now became a service to deliver them) it would be nice to have the paintings of the companies in the cars.

    1. Roiekito


      i agree, maybe in future, caravans can have some special paint or a sticker to identify the companies

    2. Leandro Santiago

      Leandro Santiago

      The main purpose of SCS Software, I believe, is the trucks, not the cars (kind of obvious that). But fortunately, the developers of TruckersMP entered the car upon requests from the community, which is legal to observe. It would be really cool, really, to have special paintings for the cars.

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