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Veteran Driver VII
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  1. It worked, now grass looks great! Thank you!
  2. Hi, I´m playing quietly (everything well) when grass textures start to glitch like in the photo. Any help?
  3. I aprecciate your time spent on this and i think it´s a beautiful intersection, but in my opinion, traffic jams are part of the multiplayer simulation (despite of the several toxic players who didn´t respected the traffic rules)
  4. Suggestion Name: /FIX also repair trailers Suggestion Description: /fix also repair trailers. If you type /fix and you have a trailer atached,this comand will repair trailer and truck Any example images: Why should it be added?:Because a lot of people want to have their trailer repaired to get all the xp at the end of the work. This will help a lot of users and will reduce people who load a quick savegame and spawn in the middle of the road. Sorry if i dont explain well,i m learning to speak english,i am Argentinian
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