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About Omicron13

  • Birthday 05/05/2003

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    Germany: Düsseldorf
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    English, Irish (and some French)

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  1. From the blog: I noticed that Arabic doesn't seem to be supported still. Is that due to Arabic not being supported by the game itself?
  2. Suggestion Name: New road layout at A67-A73 highway interchange near Dutch-German border Suggestion Description: Improve the junction layout (in the Calais direction coming from Duisburg), by changing the road layout along this stretch of road and adding clearer navigation signs and other signs. Picture 1: Road narrowings have been added at the rest area in an attempt to slow players down, especially those who abuse the exit to overtake traffic continuing on the motorway. Signs have been added on the motorway to warn players of merging traffic. Picture 2: Added a give way sign and road marking to clearly indicate to players exiting the rest area that they must give way. Barriers have been added to the right lane to force this merge and to avoid conflicting traffic (often players would stop while changing lanes to exit, ignoring the signs), and also to stop players abusing the rest area as a way to bypass traffic on the motorway. Two lanes are available again to players heading towards the C-D road, to allow more room for queueing traffic. With only one lane in the current TMP redesign, the length of queues can stretch as far as the bridge going over the river. Picture 3: Players merge in advance of the final merge ahead. Bollards have been placed in the hard shoulder to prevent players from overtaking queueing traffic in the hard shoulder. Picture 4: More room has been made for queueing traffic who must merge ahead. Signs have been added which show the layout clearly and which shows players who are merging that they must give way. A space for TMP moderators to operate has been added. Players should not be allowed in this space. I've made the changes as a mod, you can download it here and place in the mod folder to view the changes. Any example images: Picture 1: https://imgsli.com/MzA1MjQ2 Picture 2: https://imgsli.com/MzA1MjUy Picture 3: https://imgsli.com/MzA1MjUz Picture 4: https://imgsli.com/MzA1MjU1 Why should it be added?: While this interchange has already been rebuilt to allow for better flowing traffic, it also created some new issues, and I think it could be improved further to improve traffic flow and to enhance the player experience. It should also avoid having to rebuild the interchange in its entirety.
  3. Thanks for the responses, I think it might be my potato PC...
  4. Hi, In Simulation 1, there is a 110km/h speed limit currently in place. However many people seem to go way over it as they overtake me, while I'm going 110km/h. Just wondering if this is meant to happen or are they (somewhat) "speed hacking"? Just curious, that's all. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks very much @BaldemarDeutsch [EN\TR] and @Mirrland. All problems have now been resolved. Again, thanks a million. Regards, @ethan_l13
  6. Update: FERRY/CHANNEL TUNNEL & SLEEP problems fixed.
  7. Everytime I play ETS2MP, it works fine - except for the following reasons PLAYER LIST - always loads and lists players. However, mouse doesn't appear, and game carries on as if it wasn't open. SOLVED SLEEP - can NEVER get to sleep. Crashes and shows message (i.e. 23.00 - You are getting some rest) and plays continuous sound. SOLVED FERRY/ CHANNEL TUNNEL - same as above. Click 'Embark' once destination is chosen, but crashes. SOLVED IN-GAME - Pressing 'Y' works, but unable to type. F7+Enter works to exit chat. CHAT SOLVED ANY HELP WHATSOEVER WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED, EVEN IF IT DOESN'T WORK! Thank you.
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