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[VIVA] Night

Veteran Driver VII
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About [VIVA] Night

  • Birthday 03/20/1988

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  • Location
    United States
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm
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  1. Love the event, really great to get in the Halloween spirt.
  2. Happy Birthday!

    1. [VIVA] Night

      [VIVA] Night

      Thanks 😊 It's been a good one so far. 

    2. 'Nhympex.


      Uh that's great 😊

  3. Nightttt , happyyy birthday!! 🥳

  4. Night , Happy Birthday!!spacer.pngspacer.png

  5. Haven't seen too many events held in ATS, but this has to be one of my Favorite Events so far this year. You all did a great job!
  6. The Only VTC I actually feel like I'm apart of a family is Viva Trucking.  I have been in several VTC's over the past few years but this one really feels like home. I left for a few months back in mid 2018 but it always felt like something was missing. So I decided to re-join Viva Trucking and won't go anywhere else.  Whether your a trainee, Vet Driver, King of the Road or Staff we are all treated the same, and given the respect we deserve. No other VTC can compare to Viva.  I would recommend this VTC to anyone who is looking for somewhere to call home. There's always someone online to talk to, or just to drive with.

  7. Thanks. I was also having the same problem, this seemed to fix my problem. Will have to bookmark this for the future.
  8. With this most Recent update with New Mexico. The Traffic Lights are all Red and wont change to Green at all. I set on the side of the road watching them and for around 20 min. real time the lights won't turn green. I delivered a load just a min ago, and all the Traffic Lights are stuck on Red.
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