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Veteran Driver IV
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About JustABoy

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  1. JustABoy

    High ping

    No in the netherlands
  2. JustABoy

    High ping

    How can i fix my ping, its everytime to high???
  3. JustABoy


    Thank u its done
  4. JustABoy


    also thay say: To create ETS2MP account you must have ETS2 assigned to your steam account. If you have it in your steam library try to check if your profile is public. If it's private make it public and press F5
  5. JustABoy


    hello, iv i wanna make a account on the site it say that i need to loggin at steam. when i do that they send me back to the site and say: error.cannot.fetch.steam.api how can i fix this because i allready have steam.api.dll??
  6. But mu version is allready good but it still say it
  7. When I download I get every time the food and service that I have ets2mp the 1.15 s steam release do not have. How can I fix it???? JustABoy
  8. Okay moment
  9. Als ik ets2mp heb gedowload krijg ik telkens tezien dat ik de 1.15s steam release niet heb. Hoe kan ik de oplossen???? Mvg. JustABoy
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