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Veteran Driver IV
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About wearyNATE15

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  1. Now when i launch USA goes offline... lol
  2. It launched. Thank you very much!
  3. http://prntscr.com/dl5ryk this?
  4. I have tried every link i could find, from the one the pop up has gave me, clicking on the links above, and looking it up on the website. I am really confused
  5. http://prntscr.com/dkzmm4 Did this on both 1001 and 1002. Have downloaded and installed multiple times. I also tried installing thru administrator, same thing. Could I have some help?
  6. http://prntscr.com/dkzmm4 Did this on both 1001 and 1002. Have downloaded and installed multiple times. Help. Please.
  7. Thanks! Wasnt sure if it was the game or just me.
  8. So i have downloaded the newest launcher, oh about 3 times and installed 5 times, all come up with the same message. ATS is on 1.5. http://prntscr.com/dk0x1d Help?
  9. @S.PLH Max Power How do i do that? :l
  10. Hello, I am SoundingCactus0 and i want to know why if i set the time of a convoy to 12:30, it makes it 6:30. If you know, please help. Thanks
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