As game moderators we encourage players to follow the posted speedlimit (not the server speed limit), as this creates the safest environment for all of us. It gives time for players to react to unforseen circumstances (i.e. a truck lagging in front of you, crashes or reckless overtakers). It is even mentioned in our rules that we expect players to follow real life laws and speeding can be a factor when issuing punishments for rule violations.
So we encourage players to follow the speedlimit (yes, even 60). As a real life truck driver, we would never go 90 in a 60 zone. The 60 zone is posted for a reason and going 90 in a 60 would make you lose your license right away if caught. It is important to note, that it is a simulation game. So the speedlimits are based on the real life equivalent of the stretch of road or based on that country’s road laws. So 60 is posted because if it was real life it would have been a 60 kmh zone.
From my experience as a game moderator, I can only say that the players following the posted speedlimit are not the dangerous players. Players overtaking with 110 no matter what it takes and no matter how busy that road is - they are the dangerous players. They are the ones causing the issues and causing all the major traffic jams and crashes. "But if everyone was going 100-110 then we wouldn't have to overtake!" is the worst reason ever to encourage players to speed - especially on Simulation servers. They are called simulation servers for a reason. CD road is not made for going that fast - going that fast will only cause more accidents and trucks tipping over. Players will still try to overtake a truck going 100 if they are going 110 themselves. This will only create even more dangerous situations.
Again; We encourage players to stick to the posted speed limit. That is WAY safer than going 100-110. You might not think it's just as a fun, but safety is more important than 110 kmh fun when it comes to CD road. So stick to the posted speedlimit and keep a safe distance. It will create less chaos and crashes on CD road. Do NOT encourage players to speed up just because you are bored and can't be bothered to go to an open stetch of road to test out your driving skills without causing danger to other players.
Driving the speedlimit can not be considered reckless on its own. Driving 30 kmh because you are hauling a 60t locomotive with a 310hp Iveco can in some cases be considered Blocking and we do issue punishments for that when it is considered as such.
The main issue with CD road is, that everyone wants to do CD, but no one has the patience to do CD.