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Veteran Driver V
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About Snotra

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • Interests
    Garage Life, Volunteer Work, Casual Games, Trucks, Audio Enthusiast.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Oslo
  • Known languages
    Norwegian, Norrønt, English, Swedish, Danish.

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Community Answers

  1. Is there no option to have the fenders above the wheels? Looks incredibly stupid....


    1. ScaniaFan89


      LOL SCS always seem to mess up somewhere...

  2. Now we know the Next Gen Scania's are coming along with Italia DLC (Thumbnail photo for DLC)


  3. Finally Friday :-D


    1. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Yay finaly after a long week for me...

  4. Why the Retarder* is a life saver....


  5. Who won? :troll:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Red Scania T:

      Bye Bye have a great time

    3. RapidFellow


      Scania, obviously :D

    4. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Scania: fu*k of physic and rules

      MB: I have to sleep 

  6. I am not sure if this is a bug, i am certain this was the only proper exit (obvious realistic exit, arrows pointed here) First i was doing about 40km/h and it was like a crash, job worthless.


  7. 32M "Double" in Sweden, Mercedes-Benz Antos. Iveco had to be passed :troll:


  8. "Doubles" 25.25M  With Rigid tandem truck, was driving from Göteborg to Ålborg. Even though the dolly was of the wrong type and the trailer seemed  slightly taller than normal, it drove quite nice. Compared to the Double SCS released, this you can actually reverse with ease. Only issue is space, i was delivering at a GNT delivery spot. Tried parking, but it is impossible at the GNT delivery depots.





    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. antrax737


      Didn't know what is the problem. for the second part i totally agree with you

    3. lxl Semper lxl

      lxl Semper lxl

      Stand corrected I live in UK and never driver or seen a rigit with rear trailer like that but oh well :) I dont mind admitting when I am wrong thanks for the info though ;) 

    4. Snotra


      @lxl Semper lxl You weren't wrong m8 :) We just misunderstood each other, You were talking about the normal rigid trucks with normal short trailers.

      What i was driving was a 25.25M "doubles" it is the counterpart of the SCS version, i've made a useful post about these "doubles" here -->https://goo.gl/Yp5voe

  9. Driving and testing the 32m combination (80t:o), in Sweden this is legal only to drive on roads between Malmö and Göteborg. This Project is called Duo2 http://duo2.nu/



    Interesting combination for Rigid trucks :)



    1. Snotra


      Not much on these modular trucks, since Sweden and Finland already had laws about 25.25 modular trucks before they joined EU, EU allows other countries develop such laws them self, making the process of this implementing to the rest of Europe very slow. The main point of these or strong arguments are environmental, theirs huge benefit on Co2 with these.

  10. SCS stuck itself:troll:




  11. @xFlyGaming You should try looking on SCS own Forum. https://forum.scssoft.com/ Hope you find your answer.
  12. Also make sure you are using the steam account that is linked to TruckersMP, if you not it wont allow you to log in.
  13. Hello Doppler effect, if you are using Chrome with adblocker or an anti-virus with a plugin for your browser it might mess everything up. I have a Kaspersky plugin, and sometimes on some website's i loose some important features. Disable addons on your browser for TruckersMP forums and it should be working again.
  14. ^ Topic Solved by Author.
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