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Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by LaxZ

  1. Had a great time in the TMP Team. See you on the road! 👋 ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L-DR@GO
    3. MarkON


      All the best, take care!


      ps. I still have this video (made by You) on one of my TruckersMP related playlists and I love coming back to it! 

      Excellent and nostalgic 💝🎥



    4. LaxZ


      indeed, it was a big ❤️ project

  2. I need your help If you got Instagram, can you vote for "Select Avenue" in this story: https://www.instagram.com/stories/housefansgroup/3100503202084377881 - Thank you

  3. Looking out for a VTC. Any recommendations?

  4. Back with the first video after all: 


    More to come 🙂

  5. Thanks everyone! Ready to give you new videos 🔥

  6. long time no see ?

    1. Penguin


      Welcome back! Long time noot see indeed!

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  7. I hope you all enjoyed the recap of the TMP Tournament! 


    1. .Quality


      It was brilliant :woah:

  8. Missed the TMP Spring Tournament? Don't forget to watch the Recap of it then ?


  9. Don't miss the premiere of the new video 


  10. Oh yes



    1. MarkON


      teaserLooking back at what happened in TruckersMP during 2020, and what might come in 2021, we are super excited to show you this video.

      I look forward to the video, definitely.






  11. Are you ready? 


  12. Ready for a new aftermovie? ?

  13. If you guys want to see some real farming, just uploaded a new cinematic:



    1. Tuna


      Looks so nice! Congrats

    2. Guest


      Very good! 

  14. Ready for the next Aftermovie of Real Operations V9? 


  15. Don't forget to watch the premiere of the TMP6 Weekend Recap. It will be long :P



  16. Hey Guys, I need some help with voting a picture of mine. Thanks in advance :)



  17. Don't miss the premiere of the new TMP Video ;) 


  18. Oh, the old main homepage design ?



      should of brought the old forum back

  19. Hello :) I just created a new cinematic and also have a secret with it. Don't forget to watch the premiere :)


  20. Hi, after some time... back with some music: https://www.twitch.tv/laxz_ 


  21. Back with mixing the good stuff :)https://www.twitch.tv/laxz_ 


    1. Ady Man

      Ady Man

      nice live DJ LaxZ  1.0

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