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Veteran Driver VII
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About LuX.

  • Birthday 03/29/2004

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  • EU Garage Location
    Denmark: København
  • Known languages
    Czech, English.

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  1. There is no doubt that allowing report moderators to deal with in-game reports would be beneficial to the servers as long as there is a clear difference between report mod and game moderator responsibilities in-game, such as leaving live moderation to GMs, besides that, I hope this gets accepted.
  2. No, I'm talking about the game console, you can find out how to enable it and how it works in this thread.
  3. You can adjust the suspension by assigning a key to these functions. If you're driving under 50km/h you can lower it by holding the assigned key. It will automatically reset once you reach 50km/h. If you don't want it to reset you can use "g_suspension_auto_reset 0" command in the console.
  4. I'm glad that the Alps finally got some traffic coming through. For the next featured zone, I'd love to see something on the E27 near Geneva, that place looks amazing.
  5. The fastest way is to merge to the left lane from the entry side and wait for a green light, then wait until there’s no oncoming traffic and then you can turn left. It’s faster than going to the round about and waiting for another green light.
  6. So basically just let them ruin the experience for others and ban them after X amount of warnings. With the amount of people that get banned/kicked daily, warnings would be detrimental. Keep it the way it is, you mess up you get banned or kicked if you're lucky.
  7. It would be nice to see some more variety for Skoda trailers.
  8. Would be nice to have that in-game.
  9. This would definitely be a welcome change!
  10. If you wanna play on a dead server then join Sim 2, no need to make another one only for patrons.
  11. You don’t need any
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