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Retired Legend
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Status Updates posted by CJMAXiK


    Happy birthday, my birthday twin :HaulieExcited:

  2. Everything comes to an end...


    I was obsessed with trucking games since I was a small kid. And this obsession I managed to carry to this day. 8 years ago, I found ETS2MP, and those 8 years changed my life. Literally. TruckersMP was my go-to place for entertainment (the only place, in fact). Suffice to say, I saw everything - from enormous lockdown online to small raids on Discord, from successful Patreon campaign to backlash over new features/limitations. And for the most parts (6.5 years) I was somewhat involved in all of that as a team member, for which I am very grateful. This community and team allowed me to boost my English skills, my communication skills and, most importantly, gave me the opportunity to boost my programming skills. I was very involved in this community and tried to be as useful as possible even in retirement.


    But now it is time to move on. I am very tired of being so concentrated/fixated on TruckersMP, and I have some criticism towards the current team. 8 years is a very long time to dedicate to only one community, no matter how welcoming and comforting they are. I need to do something else, really. I am not leaving just yet, but I won't be that much active as I was before. My TMP-related projects will live until I lose interest eventually (expect some updates about TruckersMP Steam Helper in a near future).


    TruckersMP will always be in my heart. Thank you for everything.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gullbrann


      It has been a pleasure to work with you!

      Take care mate! ❤️

    3. Rowan


      Thanks for everything :HaulieLove:

    4. ParticleFlight


      Cj. Better late then never from me.


      Wow oh wow. I was not expecting this the last year I’ve spent with you has been enjoyable and in the short time you haven’t been around it’s suprising how much you can miss someone online. 


      The last 8 years have shown significant change in the community from when the project first started as ETSMP yes I know it was called that.


      I think from the millions of people registered in tmp you will always have a place in the bottom of our heights. However CJ as much as we will miss you are right to move in in life. I hope you’re future endeavours do you well.


      Lots of love,

      Flight Fan

  3. Rest in cheese, my friend ?



  4. Welp, this is my last day in TruckersMP Team... for now. Hope to be back soon, but who knows. There are still enough bugs to explore :kappa:

  5. It is finally done! Inspired by Windows 11 UI, Captured Motion UI mod for TruckersMP makes your trucking experience a little better! Grab here:


  6. Did you know that you can now reconnect or change the server without restarting TruckersMP? Just exit to the launchpad and you'll be able to choose a server and a profile! ?

  7. Want a hardcore Simulation experience? Check out VTC.World!



  8. New major website update! 


    1. .Pedro.
    2. Guest


      Good Job CJ ? :catjam:

    3. Fezz


      Time to see what I can go and break :troll:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ReacherK
    3. InactiveLapis


      The background makes me think of Minecraft for some reason xD

      Epic tune man!

    4. James
  10. Some nighttime hardbass session v2


    1. Guest


      Nice! ❤️ 

    2. Stormboi


      my headset bout to blow

  11. Some nighttime hardbass session


  12. My 2020 in TruckersMP Team:


    5 internal projects

    160 merge requests

    331 commit

    18316 lines

    1123 files

    76 tickets

    1. Skazochnick


      It was an "Interesting" year anyway. C наступающими праздниками! 

    2. El Reja

      El Reja

      Lazy developer. :kappa:

    3. Mr Barbecue

      Mr Barbecue

      Nub senior developer LUL

  13. Enjoy a new look of the forum!

  14. 5 years in TruckersMP Team, 2 years as a Developer. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to learn, meet awesome people, and be useful to this great community!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. El Reja

      El Reja

      Thank you for all the work you've done, CJ. The community thanks you! ❤️ 

  15. PSA: "New generation Helper.mp" project is not affiliated with TruckersMP Helper, not developed and not supported by me.

    All the rights to the TruckersMP Helper project, identity and source code belongs to me.

  16. WoTr plates are back! Check your profile bio!

  17. This is quite funny.


    1. Guest


      Wow, that is awesome. :D

  18. Current mood:


  19. Some WIP stuff!


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